The Open Library in RDF using The Bibliographic Ontology


“What if there was a library which held every book? Not every book on sale, or every important book, or even every book in English, but simply every book-a key part of our planet’s cultural legacy.” — The OpenLibrary Project

This is what I wanted to participate to.

The Open Library is a project that wants to archive information about every book (probably writings) created by mankind. Such a strong vision is naturally closely related to the semantic web.

I contacted Aaron Swartz about this project. I wanted to know what were their plans about making all this data available on the semantic web; what was their plan to describe these books into RDF.

I wanted to participate to the project by describing their information into RDF using the Bibliographic Ontology.

So it is what I started to do. Aaron sent me some snapshots of data using their current database schema (this schemas should be updated soon). Then I described one of them using BIBO. As you will see bellow, the ontology neatly describes the Open Library data and enable us to query, at the same time, the Open Library’s data, the data about the articles I wrote, eventually the Zotero citations if they choose to use BIBO, etc.

So, bellow is my proposition to Aaron and to the Open Library Project. From this post, we will be able to discuss about the implications, how this could be done, how the data could be made available for querying and browsing, etc.

How to Cook Revised Edition described using RDF and BIBO

The current use case is a book by Raymond Sokolov: “How to Cook Revised Edition“. It has been straightforward to map this data into BIBO using the current proposition.

The RDF/N3 example is available here: How to Cook Revised Edition in RDF/N3

Describing this data using BIBO leaded me to find out how to describe topical subjects of documents. It is a discussion we (the BIBO development community) already had, and here I think I found a solution.

Describing topical subjects for a bibo:Document

The goal is to relate a document resource with the concepts describing their topics. There are many ways to describe subjects of documents: it could be with a literal, a class, an individual, etc.

What I am proposing here is to re-use the dcterms:subject property (has we already do) to relate a bibo:Document with the concept of a taxonomy that will acts has the topical subject of a document.

The Open Library is using the BISAC subject standard to relate books with their topics. What I have done is to describe the BISAC standard as a taxonomy in RDF using SKOS. The resulting RDF is: BISAC taxonomy snapshot.

As you can notice, the BISAC taxonomy structure is well-described using SKOS concepts. The relation between these concepts is described as well. Also, the dcterm:identifier property is used to link a concept with its BISAC identifier.

From there, we only have to use the BISAC URIs to link a bibo:Document to its subjects like:

dcterms:subject <> ;
dcterms:subject <> ;

This is simple and effective. Also, we are not limited to the BISAC taxonomy; one can use the taxonomy he wants to describe subjects of its documents.

Some SPARQL queries

Nothing is better than SPARQL queries to “feel” the power of these RDF descriptions.

Queries related to contributions

The following query will display the documents’ title and the contribution role of Raymond Sokolov. So, if Raymond contributed to some documents as an author and editor, and all these documents will be returned in the resultset:

Finding documents where Raymond Sokolov contributed
The following query is a variable of the above. It will returns all the documents’ title where Raymond is an author.

Finding documents where Raymond Sokolov contributed as an author

Eventually we could also use the bibo:position to know all the documents wrote by Raymond where its author position if less than 2 (so, where he is a primary or secondary author of a document).

Queries related to documents and their subjects

If a user only has the BISAC identification number of a concept, and that he needs to find books about this topic, then he only has to run this query to get the titles with that topic:

Finding documents related to a BISAC identifier

However, it is not really handy. What if I only want books about “cooking”? There is a way to go:

Finding documents about “cooking”

That way, you will get all the “cooking” related concepts from the taxonomy, and you will find all the related books.

Note that there are many other ways to go such as browsing the graph of concepts using the skos:narrower and skos:broader properties from a given skos:Concept. However, the query above is simple and effective.

Other queries

Otherwise you can create a full set of other simple and effective queries by searching all the published books, all the published books by a given author or editor, etc.

There is no limit when all that information is available in RDF and BIBO.

More descriptions of the Open Library using BIBO

If you take a closer look at the current database schemas of the Open Library Project, you will notice that have data about “series”, “notes”, and other things. I don’t have such an example in hands at the moment, but we have to keep in mind that we can easily describe them using BIBO as well.


I described how RDF and The Bibliographic Ontology could be use to describe data from The Open Library Project. Doing this would enable them to easily and effectively publish their data so that other people and applications could take advantage of it.

We also found that it is a powerful method that we can easily use to search complex graphs of relations created by such data described in RDF and BIBO.

Finally, having all this data available in BIBO will enable us to easily merge it with other document data sources such as Zotero or any other writings described using RDF and BIBO. As a final example, we could, for example, find all the documents that Raymond Sokolov contributed to create, as an author, and editor, or whatever. With a single query, once could find out that he wrote some published books, and that he authored some posts on its blog. All that thanks to the RDF, BIBO, SPARQL and all the data sources exporting their data using RDF and BIBO.

Ping the Semantic Web version 3: a brand new system!

ptswlogo160.gif Pinging and receiving list of newly created and updated RDF resources has never been easier! I am pleased to announce the release of the latest version of Ping the Semantic Web.

In this brand new system you have access to a:

  1. Validated RDF resources
  2. Simplified pings list export system
  3. Faster pinging infrastructure
  4. Brand new user interface
  5. New statistics

1. Validated RDF resources

In the version 2.0, PTSW was doing a pseudo validation of RDF files. In the version 3.0, it fully validates RDF documents. This means that all pings the service export are valid RDF documents.

This is a major upgrade to the system since now all agents requesting pings from PTSW will know that each of them are valid RDF documents. That way, they will save time and bandwidth since they won’t try to process bad RDF documents.

2. Simplified pings list export system

Now all ping consumers need to be registered to the PTSW web service. This simple registration greatly helps consuming pings coming from PTSW. There are the steps to follow to get pings from the server:

  1. The user have to register an account on
  2. He has to register the IP address of the server that will download the xml file listing all the latest pings received from the system
  3. Additionally, he has to setup his pings retrieval preferences in the user account section.
  4. The registered web server has to request the xml file at:

What improved is the way applications get pings. Now a web server only has to request the xml file, and PTSW will take care to created the xml file according to the user’s preferences.

Finally, PTSW is archiving the time of the latest request of the user. Next time the user’s server will request this document, it will receive the xml file with all the pings received by PTSW since its last request.

This is a major improvement since if the user’s web server was down for 2 days, for some reason, it won’t lose any pings since PTSW will send him all the pings received by the service in the last 2 days.

Note: all current Ping the Semantic Web ping consumers have to create an account and change their application accordingly.

3. Faster pinging infrastructure

The web service is now hosted on a much bigger server. We also switched from MySQL to Virtuoso. These changes result in a more powerful service that I estimate to be able to handle up to 5 million pings per day (in the best of the World with fast remote web server delivering the RDF content). In any case, it is probably enough for the next year’s expansion.

4. Brand new user interface

We also spent some time refreshing the user interface of the web service. This new interface will help us to easily integrate new features and sections to the service’s web site along with keeping it appealing to users.

5. New statistics

New statistics on the state of the service are now available.

  1. All stats about Namespaces. This is the list of namespaces used to describe entities in RDF. For example, if a RDF document has an entity types as a sioc:Post, then the SIOC namespace will be added and its stat counter will be incremented by one. There is currently 347 used namespaces know by PTSW.
  2. All stats about Types. This is the number of typed entities defined in each RDF document know by PTSW. For example, if a RDF document has four foaf:Person defined, then four will be added to the counter. If the same entity (URI) is defined in two different RDF documents, the type of the entity will be calculated twice. So take these numbers as a good approximation, but not as an absolute truth. There is currently 2773 types know by PTSW.

Some people will notice that the current numbers in the sidebar are completely different from the ones that were on the old website of the service. They are right, and there is the reason: I pruned the and pings from PTSW.

In fact, when I started the web service, I added these two RDF data dumps to PTSW. At that time, initiatives such as the Linking Open Data Community didn’t exist and people didn’t know how to export their RDF data dumps. So I choose to include them in the PTSW system. Since then, methods improved and things changed. Now RDF data dumps are available directly from these web sites, data dump repository exists, and people don’t use PTSW for that reason. In fact, they use the PTSW exportation feature to synch their service, and not to get complete datasets from them. This said, I pruned all these 7 000 000 documents from the system leaving about 845 000 “wild” RDF documents in the system.

It is the inclusion of these complete data sources that were increasing the stats compared to today’s stats.


When I created Ping the Semantic Web more than one year ago, I hoped developers would use the service to easily find RDF data without crawling the entire. I hoped that this web service would be a vector of semantic web application development. I think that it succeeded in some ways when I think about services such as SIndice and DOAPStore that emerged from the PTSW initiative.

This new version of Ping the Semantic Web tries to go further in that directing: making thinks even simpler for RDF data consumer and giving them a more powerful RDF discovery service.

Note: make sure to refresh the DNS cache of your desktops and servers so that you see the new, and not the old, PTSW web site.

Describing Documents, Articles, Series, Volumes and Conferences using the Bibliographic Ontology

The Bibliographic Ontology let you describe all these things, and much more, in RDF. In the last months the community developing BIBO has been quite fruitful. Many questions have been asked, many have been answered, and things are slowly getting shape.

It is for that reason that I started to create some more examples using the ontology; trying to see how people will use it; etc. I created some examples to see if I could easily describe two articles I wrote in the past few years: (1) and accepted article in a proceeding and (2) a refused article submitted for a conference. I was wondering if the current state of the ontology could easily cope with some weird cases. As you will notice bellow, it nicely described some weird cases that I encountered while describing these articles.

First example: Describing a Series, with volumes and articles

I wanted to describe an article I wrote with Uldis Bojars, Alexandre Passant and John Breslin. This article is part of a proceeding that is published in a series, as a volume (248). The series have a ISSN; however it is only published online (no paper is version available).

There is how BIBO describe such a case:

A Complex series + proceeding + article use case in RDF/XML

The series is a bibo:Series. This series has a title, a short title and a ISSN. Also, it is in relation with its publisher and has a status (published). Finally, this series is put in relation with its volume and a web document (a web page) that is a manifestation of the series.

This is something to have in mind for the remaining of this blog post: in BIBO, a web page is a document, like any other document. The only difference between a paper book and a webpage is their identifier(locator): a published paper book will have a ISBN, and a web page will have a URL. This said, we easily relates different documents’ formats using dcterms:relation. That way, we explicit a relation between two different documents (event if they only difference is their format (printer on paper, html, pdf, etc)).

After I described the proceeding that has been published. It is a bibo:Proceeding that has some properties, but particularly a bibo:volume property that describe its location into the series. Finally, the editors of the proceeding are described and are related to the proceeding they edited via a bibo:Contribution.

Contributions are at the core of the ontology; they are defined as:

“The contribution a person, group or organization makes to the creation or realization of a work.”

So, an editor and an author are contributors to the creation or realization of a work (a document).

Finally I described the article that is a bibo:Article. I described its properties, its authors, and the relation between the authors and the article. I also described its status: it has been peer-reviewed and has been published.

The links between the series, the proceeding and the article has been done by re-using the properties dcterms:hasPart and dcterms:isPartOf.

Second example: a rejected article submitted to a conference

For that second example, I wanted to describe an article I wrote a couple of years ago, that I submitted to a conference and that has been rejected. So, I had to describe the article, the conference, and the fact that it has been rejected after peer-reviewing.

There is how BIBO describes this use case:

Rejected article submitted to a conference in RDF/XML

This is basically the same thing has the above: describing a document with its authors.

However, in that case, I had to describe a conference. The Bibliographic Ontology use The Event Ontology to describe such things. The conference event has been described using the even:Event class, along with event:agent that relates the event with the organization that created the event and event:place that locates the event in the World.

However, the description of conference events will change in the next few weeks since Yves Raimond and me will create an extension module to this ontology to specifically describes conference events (so, we will talk about event:Conference, and event:organizer and event:sponsors, etc.).

Finally, I had something to say about this article I wrote. To say it, I created another type of document called a bibo:Note to annotate this document with some comments. A bibo:Note is a document of its own, like a bibo:Article. However, I relates the two documents (the bibo:Note and the bibo:Article) using the bibo:annotates property. That way, I describe the fact that a document is an annotation to another document.


These two examples explain how The Bibliographic Ontology can be used to describe some complex bibliographic use cases. It is just a start, and many questions are yet to be answered by the bibliographic ontology. However, many things are going forward and if you have been interested by this demonstration, I can only suggest you to join the community supporting BIBO’s development and help it evolving.

The Music Ontology revision 1.12

The Music Ontology is much easier to read with the new documentation and the normalized terms. In fact, Yves Raimond worked hard on this new release with some help from Chris, me and other people on the mailing list.

The list of major changes is available on Yves’s blog post about the release. Also, the complete list of changes is available in the change log.

Some things have yet to be finished related to this new revision. We have to update the examples on the wiki. And I have to modify the Musicbrainz RDF view that the generated RDF documents reflect these changes.

Finally this new revision is a major upgrade related to the user-friendliness of the ontology. Terms, descriptions and documentation of the ontology should be much clearer now. now available in DOAP: 43 000 new DOAP projects

Three weeks ago, Rob Cakebread contacted me vis-à-vis some possible issues with the web service. Rob is involved with the development of Gentoo Linux and he wanted to come-up with a method to let their development teams know when new packages are released for some projects. Since the RSS feeds of are limited in length, and that they do not support DOAP, he started to think about a way to convert’s data projects into RDF using the DOAP ontology. That way, he could easily create services to track the release of new packages and then increasing the effectiveness of their development teams.

Rob wrote:

I came across when trying to determine how many package indexes are using DOAP right now (so far I’ve only found Python Package Index and O’Reilly’s Code Zoo).

I’m a developer for Gentoo Linux. A website I created (Meatoo) checks Freshmeat twice a day and finds packages that have new releases available. We have a database of all our maintainers grouped into ‘herds’, a Python herd, desktop herd, PHP herd etc. The developers in the herds can query my website by a command-line client that uses XML-RPC, or subscribe to RSS feeds by herd or package name, or read the website itself and see which packages have new releases.

DOAP fits into this because I was thinking about creating DOAP records for each release from each package index and making this available so people can write tools to find out information about software packages easily.

Its how we got in contact. Rob had a practical problem, then he tried to find a way to resolve it and to help other people to resolve it too; and its how he found and other semantic web related projects and communities (such as the Linked Open Data). in DOAP

Then a couple of days ago, Rob re-contacted me to let me know that the’s 43 000 projects description is now available in RDF.

He created a prototype service that converts the data he has aggregated from into DOAP. Its project is called DOAPSpace. The idea is to make available the projects into DOAP, then to ping to ultimately make them available on that is feeded by PTSW.

People can get the DOAP description of each project by going to:<project_name>

There are some examples of URIs:

RDF dump

I was really pleased to see how Rob managed to generate that data. Then I asked him if a RDF dump of that precious data would eventually be available for download? It is exactly what he is doing at the moment, and as soon as he send me the dump, I will make it available via Then, it will be ready to be integrated into the Linking Open Data project.

Content Negotiation

At the same time, Rob added a new feature to its service; a user only has to append the “?zg=1” parameter to the URL to get redirected to the Zitgist Browser. It was really nice from him to think about that; I really appreciated.

However, I introduced him at how he could use content-negotiation to do that and to make its service compatible with other tools such as other RDF browsers. So I pointed him to the How to Publish Linked Data on the Web draft document so that he can have a better understanding of the content-negotiation process.

Linking Open Data Community and Early Developers

Rob is certainly an early adopter of the Semantic Web. He is a developer that wants to solve problems with methods and technologies. He had the intuition that the DOAP ontology and other semantic web principles and technologies could help him to solve one of its problems. This intuition leaded him to discover what the semantic web community could do to help him.

It’s the kind of user we have to take care of; and that we have to help to release their projects. Its people like Rob that will make the Semantic Web a reality. Without such early adopters, from outside of the Semantic Web Community, the semantic web is probably doomed. We are there now; ready to help developers to integrate semantic web technologies into their projects; to generate their data into RDF and to link it with other data sources. It’s the goal of communities like the Linking Open Data Community and its what we are about to do.