I was enjoying reading Scobleizer this morning. I came across another of his interesting post that talks about a web site that didn’t publish a RSS feed because they say that their new web site is a non-geek one. So Robert raised an interesting point: why should you publish a RSS feed of the content you put on your website? The answer: to create a relationship between you and your readers. He is right. RSS feeds can be seen as a socializing tool. Why? Because you converse with your readers. At first, it is a one way relation. You didn’t get immediate feedbacks. But to strengthen the principle, your readers usually have access to a comment system. These two systems, together, help to create a social relationship between the blogger (or the webmaster) and his readers. It can also create relationships between readers. Then we probably can say that there is an emerging community around the blog, more precisely, around the content of it and his emerging ideas.
rss feed social relationship