The Blogsphere could be seen as a place, an environment, where blogs are connected one between the other. But, I will enlarge that definition, the Blogsphere is the set of web sites where an interaction between the author of the site and his readers could interact and develop discussions.

Then, Talk Digger is a tool that helps you to find these discussions, join them, and follow their evolution in the Blogsphere. This is a simple idea, but how interesting.

Some days ago, Ivan A. Illyn explicated that fact on a comment he leaved on my post: Talk Digger: who is linking to you. He said:

Correct (Imho) slogan & positioning TalkDigger is: “Join discussion everywhere” – something like that.

  • You go on any web page
  • You like it
  • You push Bookmarklet and go discuss or read opinion commenter’s!

Even if you don’t have your own blog – you’ll find similar minded people anyway.

This is New web-surfing method!

And he is right. This little idea is really attractive. It explicit the fact that every Internet users could be interested in using Talk Digger, and any search engine that have the feature to know who is linking to a specific URL. The specific act of searching these back-links is an act for socialization; it tells that that person want to know what another person think about a specific thing.

Without knowing it, I developed a tool that tries to explicit a fact that I wrote about in a previous post: The Blogsphere is becoming a huge distributed discussion forum.


  • If you want to start discussion in the Blogsphere, then wrote something and ping search engines with tools like King Ping
  • If you want to search and join a discussion around a specific web site / web page / blog / blog post / whatever that is an URL, then go to that page and click on the Talk Digger’s bookmarklet, and check who is talking about it
  • If you want to follow the discussions around that URL, then go back to Talk Digger once a day and check his evolution. Note: do not forget, a discussion is so beautiful with comments from everybody; then, comments and add you knowledge to it, it is always more than appreciated by all parties

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2 thoughts on “Talk Digger: Join and follow discussions of the Blogsphere

  1. Fred! Thank for post – For the first time I am mentioned in the English-language web ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Hello Mr. Illyn

    No problem ๐Ÿ™‚

    It is the minimum I can do considering what you highlighted about Talk Digger in your last comments. You deserve it, no doubts.

    Take care,



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