A year ago I had big ambitions for Talk Digger. At that time, I was dreaming that Talk Digger could help the Semantic Web to develop, to exist, to be used by thousands of people without them even knowing it. |
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You have to know that at that time I hadn’t the vision clear enough, the knowledge and the resources to make such a dream reality. But slowly I directed me efforts toward that vision, that goal, hoping it could lead to something interesting. Opportunities after opportunities my vision became clearer, my knowledge of the subject evolved and the resources increased. I developed a new version of Talk Digger that broadcast its content in RDF using some specialized ontologies such as SIOC and FOAF. I developed a service called Ping the Semantic Web that aggregates and exports lists of semantic web documents (RDF) to anyone who request them. |
Today I came one step closer to reach my goal: I make Talk Digger pinging Ping the Semantic Web each time a new user is created or a new conversation is started or updated on Talk Digger.
It probably doesn’t mean much for most people; however it means much for me.
I created a service that generates content from many different sources (traditional search engines results, users’ interactions with the system [creating comments, following conversations, creating links with other users, etc.], etc). I created a service that aggregate semantic web documents from around the Web to export them to any developers that wish to do something with them. Finally I make these two services interacting together.
What it means? It means that I created a prototype infrastructure for what I consider to be the first step toward the semantic web: creating semantic web formatted documents and making them freely and easily accessible to other web services and software agents; and all that using live and real data from “traditional web” resources and normal web users.
So that is it. Talk Digger documents are now living in the same world as other semantic web documents from around the Web. One developer can have access to all these documents from the same source. Talk Digger’s documents, as long as all others, are multiplexed by Ping the Semantic Web and have the possibility to live in a full set of different incarnations (different user interfaces and different data manipulations).
This is the dream I had.
Technorati: Pingthesemanticweb | talkdigger | semantic | web | web2.0 | users | conversations | sioc | foaf | rdf |
Colm Sean Murdoch O Cinniede
September 11, 2006 — 6:08 pm
“… tread softly for you tread on my dreams…”
September 13, 2006 — 1:01 am
its importance is and will be realized.
thank you for the effort.