What about showing the relationship your blog, or web page, has with other websites? Why not using the power of Talk Digger and the beauty of Grazr to let your readers discovering people that talks about you, and the people you are talking about?
This is what Talk Digger and Grazr are proposing you to do.
What is Grazr?
Grazr is a OPML and RSS outliner: it lets you browse these type of file in a simple and beautiful user interface directly from a web site.
You have three view modes: slider, outliner and three panes. It is simple, fast and it integrates beautifully in any blog or web page.
What are Talk Digger relations?
Talk Digger not only tracks conversations evolving on the Web. No, it also explicit relations between conversations (so relations between web pages).
Three type of relations are make explicit by Talk Digger:
- Web pages that are talking about the current Web page.
- Web pages, from the same domain name, that are talking about the current Web page.
- Web pages that the current Web page is referring to.
Talk Digger and Grazr
If you put Talk Digger and Grazr together, you will be able to browse effortlessly Web sites by their relationship.
Why adding Talk Digger’s Grazr widget on your blog or Web site?
Blog readers like reading blogs not only because they like what the blog author writes, but also because they can discover new things of interests and new people by the links created by the author.
This is why putting Talk Digger’s Grazr widget on your blog is really interesting: it helps your blog readers to discover who links to your blog, and to whom you are linking to. In both cases, these links are of interest to your readers and it will helps them to discover new and interesting things on the Web.
What is also important in the Digital World is your online reputation and trust people have in you. Their readers can trust people if they write with their real name, if they put their photo, if they write about them in a personal way, if they write about their job, etc. But the online reputation also grows when other people start to talk about you, when they start to link to your personal web site. Showing these relations between you (your blog or personal web site) can help you to create your online persona and increase your online reputation and the trust people have in you.
How to get your Talk Digger – Grazr widget for your blog?
It is simple. You only have to go to the Talk Digger – Grazr widget generator page.
From that web page, you only have to:
- Put the URL of your blog or web page in that box: “To create your own TalkDigger Grazr enter your site URL here:” and then pressing the “update” button.
- Going to step #2 and customizing the look-and-feel of the widget.
- Finalizing with the step #3 and putting the generated code in your blog or web page.
Technorati: Talkdigger | grazr | blog | blogging | conversation | relationship | link | online | reputation | trust | digital | world |