How-to implement Talk Digger in FeedDemon

Today, Jack Brewster from the NewsGator support team sent me the default FeedDemon’s style modified to implement Talk Digger. If you are using FeedDemon and choose to use that new style, all the feeds’ items will have a “TalkDigger” link attached to them. If you click on that link, you will be redirected to Talk Digger and instantly start a search for that specific post.

The idea is really attractive. You are reading an article, you like it, then you need to know what other people have to say about it. Directly from your feed reader, in that case FeedDemon, you click on a single link and you see all the articles that talk about it.

How can you implement Talk Digger into your FeedDemon?

1. You download that FeedDemon style

2. You put that style file into the FeedDemon’s style folder

3. You open FeedDemon and select the new style called “TalkDigger”

4. To use it, you simply have to click on the “Talk Digger” link in the top right corner of every feed item

What it looks like?

How to implement it into your current style?

If you would like to implement Talk Digger in the style you are currently using, then you can easily do it that way:

1. Find and edit the file of the style you are currently using (it is located into the FeedDemon’s style folder)

2. Find the item template into that file ( starting with that like <xsl:template match="item"> )

3. Into that item, you can add that code to it. It will implement TalkDigger to that style.

<a href=" {$itemlink}">TalkDigger</a>

I hope that you will find that new Talk Digger’s trick useful. If you have any new idea of how to use Talk Digger, please leave a comment to share it with other users.

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Talk Digger: Join and follow discussions of the Blogsphere

The Blogsphere could be seen as a place, an environment, where blogs are connected one between the other. But, I will enlarge that definition, the Blogsphere is the set of web sites where an interaction between the author of the site and his readers could interact and develop discussions.

Then, Talk Digger is a tool that helps you to find these discussions, join them, and follow their evolution in the Blogsphere. This is a simple idea, but how interesting.

Some days ago, Ivan A. Illyn explicated that fact on a comment he leaved on my post: Talk Digger: who is linking to you. He said:

Correct (Imho) slogan & positioning TalkDigger is: “Join discussion everywhere” – something like that.

  • You go on any web page
  • You like it
  • You push Bookmarklet and go discuss or read opinion commenter’s!

Even if you don’t have your own blog – you’ll find similar minded people anyway.

This is New web-surfing method!

And he is right. This little idea is really attractive. It explicit the fact that every Internet users could be interested in using Talk Digger, and any search engine that have the feature to know who is linking to a specific URL. The specific act of searching these back-links is an act for socialization; it tells that that person want to know what another person think about a specific thing.

Without knowing it, I developed a tool that tries to explicit a fact that I wrote about in a previous post: The Blogsphere is becoming a huge distributed discussion forum.


  • If you want to start discussion in the Blogsphere, then wrote something and ping search engines with tools like King Ping
  • If you want to search and join a discussion around a specific web site / web page / blog / blog post / whatever that is an URL, then go to that page and click on the Talk Digger’s bookmarklet, and check who is talking about it
  • If you want to follow the discussions around that URL, then go back to Talk Digger once a day and check his evolution. Note: do not forget, a discussion is so beautiful with comments from everybody; then, comments and add you knowledge to it, it is always more than appreciated by all parties

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Search engines analysis after 6 days of Talk Digging

Talk Digger is 6 days old. I do not know how many requests I send to know if everything works fine after all modifications I have made on the system. Performing all theses searches give me the possibility to learn some things about these 9 search engines. There are some results I had.

The first thing that I noticed is that Google seems to have some difficulties with the link-back feature. The problem is that young or unpopular blogs/websites seem to be omitted by it. I think that the problem is the slow indexing of unpopular web pages that could cause the “problem”; the crawler just does not crawl them before weeks. It is the exact reason why pinging systems of new search engines is so interesting: it give you the possibility to get indexed in minutes, being popular or not. It is why system like King Ping are so important, it give the possibility to bloggers to instantly ping many search engine ping services. But it could be understandable that Google has not such a service, because Technorati does not have the same traffic than Google, for example.

A thing that is not understandable is when we compare Google with a search engine of the same size: MSN Search. How could we explain the fact that there are 3,931 link-backs tracked by MSN Search and 0 by Google for after 6 days of activity? A bug with the results of MSN Search? A bug with the link-back feature of Google? A bug in both search engines? Who know…

Then we have the new emerging search engines, mostly blogging oriented. That time, the results will vary from a search engine to another. This is why Talk Digger is useful, some posts will be visible on all search engines, but will be indexed faster by some and slower by others. What is interesting is that many results are only visible on one or two search engines. Why? Two possibilities:

  1. The blog/website owner just do not ping these search engines
  2. The search engine just lost or omit to index the page

My first surprise came from Ice Rocket. Recently, many bloggers talked about it and wrote good words about the service. I am using that search engine since a week, and I need to say that their recently hard work in developing a good blog search engine give results. It is really reliable; the indexing is fast and the results accurate. This emerging search engine became a real player in the search engine industry. How have they reached that state? By listening at their users. This is the key to success folks: do what users want to use, and not what you, you want.

My second came from Technorati. During the first bombing in London, Technorati had many problems with their servers. Many thought that it was the beginning of the end for them. However, I have been really surprised by it during the last week. Their results were the first to arrive, far faster than the ones of Bloglines (except for yesterday and today that they seems to have some traffic problems). In fact, Bloglines seem to have some problem with their “citations” (link-backs) when come the time to search for heavy linked blog like the one of Robert Scoble. Bloglines also seems to have more results than other search engines, but I found that there were many duplicated entries.

What about Feedster? Many people also talked about it recently. They were questioning themselves about the validity of their results. Scott answered to these claims with that blog post. It seems that Feedster always found more results on low linked blogs/websites (except for some search, Bloglines have mores). It is probably a direct impact of the statistical algorithm they are using to estimate the number of entries in their database. However I need to add that sometimes, some entries only appear on Feedster.

Finally, what about BlogDigger? It does not seem bad, but the numbers of results are surprisingly low. It could be explained by the fact that people just do not ping them. However, even if they ping them, the indexing speed seem really low. It explains probably many things about that search engine.

I would like to say a last work about PubSub to clarify how Talk Digger calculate the number of results it returns. The results that appear in Talk Digger are the addition of the InLinks tracked by PubSub in the last 31 days that appears on their “Site Stats” section. It is the way that PubSub works, and it is why you will normally not have as many results compared with other search engines.

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King Ping 2.0: new user interface, new domain name, and 18 services to ping

I am enthusiast to present you the new version of the Fred’s pinging system: King Ping. As you probably know, the new name of the pinging system I developed some weeks ago is now King Ping.

What is new in the version 2.0 of this pinging system?

  1. A totally new user interface. Sudar Muthu created it in the last weeks. It uses Ajax to asynchronically ping all the RPC services. The new user interface is much more professional, functional and easy to use. I can’t thank him enough for the job he have done with this user interface. I received it this morning, so I integrated it during the day, fixed some Ajax bugs with some browsers, and now it is supposed to be fully functional. Ajax uses some existing technologies, like JavaScript and CSS. So, who say JavaScript and CSS also say possibly little bugs with some browsers. If you expect some problems, please leave me an email with a screenshot of the problem and a small description. I will check it and try to resolve it. During that time, you will be able to use the old, non-Ajax, version of King Ping always available here.
  2. A new domain name. I also registered a new domain name:
  3. 18 services to ping. I added some services to ping in the last weeks, so you now have the possibility to ping 18 RPC services.

I just remark that you added AdSense ads, why?

  • King Ping needs a new web server. King Ping is currently hosted on my blog’s web server. At the beginning, it was supposed to be only available to my readers the time that Ping-O-Matic comes back. However people started to use it, so I could not really put it down. In the last weeks, King Ping pinged around 32 000 services. It is not big compared to Ping-O-Matic, however it is growing, and my blog’s web server will not be able to handle too many requests. So it is why I added these low profile ads: to try to find some founds to pay for a new web server.

What will you do with a new web server?

  1. Having access to more bandwidth
  2. Having access to a better connection
  3. Having the possibility to develop and give access to a RPC service. That way, people with blogging systems like Word Press would be able to ping these 18 RPC services in once, without using the user interface. It is a requested feature that I am not able to offer for now.
  4. Having the possibility to create other features and better pinging statistics.

How can I contribute to the King Ping project?

  1. By designing a logo. I am currently searching for someone that would be willing to create a logo and a header for the version 2.0 of the service. Currently I use the one created by Sudar. If I receive more than one logo/header, I will open a pool to choose which to choose.
  2. By designing an animated “waiting while pinging” gif. I am currently using the “waiting while pinging” animated gif of Technorati. I would like to have my own, so if someone is willing to create one, I will proceed the same way as for the logo.
  3. By donating. If you like the service and would like to help me to find the resources to host the service elsewhere, you can always donate to the project via PayPal by clicking here: Make a Donation.

So, you have an idea? You want to share your thoughts about it? Leave a comment on this post; it will be a pleasure to answer to you questions and to read your feedbacks to make it even more useful, easy to use and powerful.

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What is a blog? My vision after one year of blogging

One of my friend told me: “Fred, I want you to show me what a blog is”. More and more people are like him, they want to know what his blogging. They know the word but they need to know what it signify. Then it is what I done, giving him an overview of what is a blog and the main services that exist to support them. Then, when I came back from the rendezvous, I asked to myself: Fred, after one year of blogging, what is for me a blog? There we go.

The name blog came from the two words: web log. Technically a blog is nothing more than a website with a certain typical layout and functionalities. Then, technically, what a blog is for me is nothing else than a web page template. This is a common layout used by millions of people. There is nothing new here.

Then, if a blog is technically nothing new, why people talk about them? Good question. We could try to define a blog by his usage, by checking how people are using their blogs.

A blog is used for many purposes:

  • To share daily adventures of an individual person
  • For the marketing of a new product or a whole company
  • To communicate with people that work in the same field of expertise
  • To share ideas
  • To manage knowledge
  • To start discussion
  • To inform about a specific subject or domain
  • To create new contacts with other people

Yes but people are using the web like this since his beginning, no? Yes. Then, my question remains, why people talk about blogs?

Personally, I see blogging as a philosophy, a way to do things. What makes blogs, blogs, is the way people are using them, the bloggers community. This community is drive by an etiquette: the blogging etiquette. It is that etiquette that makes blogs, blogs. All the interactions between bloggers form the Blogsphere. Then, I could now define a blog by a website that follows the blogging etiquette by adding texts to the Blogsphere in hope to start a conversation with other users of that Blogsphere.

This is my vision of blogs and blogging after 1 year.

You, what are blogs for you? What is blogging? What make someone a blogger?

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