Shame on Canadian Politicians

All the ancient Canadian combatants of the World War II are currently in Holland for the commemoration of the 60 anniversary of the liberation of Holland. The Canadian army of the Second World War was an army of volunteers, ready to give their live for their families, country and the World’s peace. The Dutchman are currently thanking them another time.

They know what these Canadian boys and guys done for them; they thank them every year; they teach the true story of their courage to each new Dutchman generations. They are seeing as heroes. In Canada they are seeing as elderly people that participated to a war far from home.

A week ago, our politicians tell them that they will not go to the ceremonies in Holland because they don’t have the time for this: the current minority government is in troubles. Tomorrow, after that these old heroes tell to these politicians what they think of them, the prime minister and the chefs of every other party concluded a truce to fly to Holland… The problem is that they will not be there for the official ceremony of Sunday, they will arrive in Monday.

Shame on them. These soldiers are old, it’s probably one of the last chances we have to thank them for what they done for our country, for our generations. We must remember.

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Internet technologies in our high schools – My journey in a high school web site integration project

8h30am. I was en route to one of the worse high school of the region. The worse? It’s what people say. Is that because there are some fights in classes that this is the worse school? Worse… it’s just a school, it’s not a prison. How a school could be as worse as people say? There are only children?

Why am I going to one of the worse high school of the region, at 8h30am? It was to help one of my friends with one of her school project. I was not there as a bodyguard in case that her students start another fight in the class; no.

She’s a French teacher and she wondered how to teach the concept of the explicative text. She didn’t want to ask them to do a simple explicative text. No, she wanted a full multi-discipline integrated project. What was her project? It was to build a web page for all of her students’ explicative text, on the website of the school, for 3 whole groups.

There were some problems. No one in the school ever started such a project. She got some help from the technical staff, but it was long to get them move and work. The real problems were that she needed to build the web site with Dreamweaver. Yup, Dreamweaver. I was astonished to hear it. One of the worse high schools of the region bought 32 Dreamweaver licenses for their computers. I never understood the reason why; but it was a fact. No one in the whole school knows how to use the software. It’s why the direction asked her to use it for his web site project.

It’s where I do my apparition in the story. I shown her how to use Dreamweaver; I helped her to build the website architecture and I helped her students to build their web pages.

She was really courageous to start such a project and I’m really impressed by what she done. She spent between 30 and 40 hours of non-paid job in the last weeks to build, correct and integrate this website. I have a great respect for these peoples that don’t fear things they don’t know and work to learn how they work.

9h00am. I was in the class, with her students. I distributed them a sheet that described what they had to do with Dreamweaver to build their web pages. The class his started, the students are wonderful. They worked in team. One was typing the text in their web page and the other was playing with a Flash game, somewhere on the Internet. You are thinking that the procedure was not really productive? In 1 hour, all teams had their text wrote. All web pages had graphs and animated gifts included everywhere. There were no major problems. Yes, it was a productive hour.

10h20am. I couldn’t believe it but everything was done, the bell had ring and the class was finished. Was this as worse as people said? Certainly not. The students were wonderful and worked really effectively. I never imagined it before.

It’s sure that using Dreamweaver to do this type of project was not the best idea in the world. This is an administrative decision and my friend overcame the problems linked with it. In my high school time I hadn’t the possibility to work on such a project. Computers were not what they are today and Internet wasn’t really well known. But now we have the technologies to develop such projects, why not using them? I had loved to build a web page when I was studying the explicative text in my French classes.

Are the professors ready to enter in the information age with their students? I don’t think so. Only the daring teachers, like my friend, will enter in it. Why? Because technologies are not well understood and much of the time they are hard to use. Building such a project take time, hard work and frustrations. People fear to do it because they don’t know how it works or because they don’t need to put the time it take to build it.

I encourage teachers to try to integrate technologies such as Internet in their traditional classes. It’s always appreciated by students and it will show them the possibilities that such technologies can give them in the future. It’s the first step they need to climb to eventually tame technologies. It’s not because you are a French teacher that you can’t do it; she is and she done it.

16h00pm. Was the school as worse as people say? Definitely not. It’s sure that some students have problems, like anybody on this earth, but they were polite and kind. It was a wonderful journey in the worse high school of the region.

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Too many information is as useless as not enough

I have been notified by Lifehacker that a new interface was being tested. I followed the instructions to see it and put in my browser and pressed Enter.

When I see the thing for the first time, I stopped breathing. My brain was not able to compute what I was seeing. I was like a protagonist in a story of H.P Lovecraft. What was that?

I started, slowly, to understand what was going on with Thousands of words were spread in my screen like an endless vortex made of words and colors.

I wondered where my tags were. I had closely checked my screen, trying to decipher something to this gibberish. I finally find out that my tags was there; with some different colors dependant of the number of links tagged with them. I figured out that it was my old one colon tag list squeezed in a table.

I started to use some months ago. Lately I only added bookmarks to my account, without looking at my home page. I never, ever thought that I generated as many tags with 112 entries.

After I realized it, I started to like the new interface, it’s an improvement on the old one, no doubts. But it raises a question about tags.

It’s sure that a simple word can’t catch the meaning of a resource by itself. It’s why you need many tags to describe the meaning of a resource. In this case, it’s normal to have more tags than resources (links in our case).

But, is the interface that manipulate these tags is really what a user need? Do I need to see all tags that describe resources? Could we introduce a concept of meta-tags to help the user to handle this mass of (not always useful) information?

Tags can be useful but too many tags are like not enough: it’s useless.

It seems that there are fewer connections between languages and mathematics understanding in our brain

How our brain seem to understand these two syntaxes.

I just finished to read Mathematics is a language of is own pointed out by MathForge. “A team of scientists led by Rosemary Varley at the University of Sheffield, UK, studied three people who had extensive damage to the left hemisphere of their brain, the so-called Apollonian half that includes linguistic skill areas”. They observed that those people were able to understand the difference in mathematical sentences of the type “7 – 2” and “2 – 7” but were not able to understand differences in language sentences like “The boy chased the girl” and “The girl chased the boy”.

The experience is really interesting. It seems that the brains zones involved in the understanding of basic mathematical sentences are not the same as the one of the traditional, written, languages. Good; but what about more complexes mathematical sentences? Everybody who tried to demonstrate theorems of any sorts in algebra or set theories know that this is not just a question of syntax understanding but more a question of imagination.

By example, if you work in the field of computer sciences, you know what formal specifications of software are. This is a method used to prove that your software is consistent with himself, it help to clarify, without ambiguities, the specifications of your software (it help for many other things but I’ll not discourse on the subject of software format specification in this post). Basically, formal specifications are a way to write a software program (his specifications) in a formal mathematic syntax. Now, my question is: if I got these brains damage cited up there, will I always be able to read and understand a specification wrote in Z (a formal specification language)? Personally I have doubts because I think that there are more things involved then just mathematical syntax understanding.

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A9 search engine: a funny result on Google

Since some weeks I had some strange results when I was checking my traffic logs. Many people were coming from Google with this search key: “ search engine”. I didn’t take care of it unless I took too many hits from this string. Then, I checked myself what was going on with this one and there is what I found:

A screenshot of the result

At my great surprise one of my old articles was the second hit with this search string. What I find funny in this result is the title I give to it: The consequences on your privacy. By its disposition it’s like if Google was sending us a caution.

It’s not a great post that I’m making today but I think it can raise a smile 😉

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