In reality I don’t really know what it means but I tasted it

Sorry for my lack of blogging in past days. I had been overwhelmed by the writing of my article called Secure Web Feed Protocol. I rewrote it 4 times. As I said in a previous post I was only supposed to post the idea here, on this blog. Finally I sent a whole article to the PST05 security conference. It’s my first interaction with the world of publishing. The only thing I know is that I learned many things in the process and that I have many others to learn, accepted or not. I don’t really care about the outcome because I loved the experience and already learned a lot by doing it.

The main thing I learned was what writing means. I read some books about writing in past few months. They all said that writing is rewriting; that writing is a process. Now I know what they mean. If you don’t understand what you wrote, how people can? The only trick is to rewrite it as long as your thoughts are not clears.

Writing is learning? I learned a lot then. I not only learned on writing, I also learned on the subject I was writing on. Why? Because “writing is thinking is learning” — William Zinsser.

writing learning paper security

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