Some blogs have thousands of hits each day and others less than ten. Many factors could explain this fact. However, one of the most influent is probably the publication frequency. These blogs generally have a high and stable publication frequency.

You can’t attain this productivity by being sloppy and unorganized. Fortunately, there are tips and tricks that could be used to help you to be a more productive blogger. Keith, the blogger being To-Done, released a list of the tricks he used to make To-Done the popular blog he became. In his post “Be a More Productive Blogger“, he explicit 11 tips and tricks he use everyday to write his blog. It’s one of the best post I read on the subject since a while; it worth the reading.

Bellow I explicit and comment some of the points I found particularly important and that I already talked about.

  • Idea journal. Keith uses an idea journal to keep track of his everyday ideas. It’s probably one of the best tricks he could use. Personally I use my pocket Moleskine diary as my ideas journal. I can easily slip it into a pocket, and I have enough pages to get track of a wide range of ideas, all at the same place.
  • Read. Another of his trick is to read to find new ideas. I realized that reading was one of my primary sources of idea when I got sick in April. I hadn’t the mindset to read and I realized that I didn’t have any idea of writings to publish on my blog.
  • Titles. The titles of your posts are not only essential to bring the attention of your readers. It’s also useful to help you has a starting idea, a way to always have in mind the main subject of your posts.
  • Communicate with other bloggers. He also explained the importance of getting connected with and motivates to discuss with other bloggers. It’s essential for the good health of your blog, and also to find new ideas. It’s while conversing on other blogs, on others subjects that you do not write about normally, that you will have new ideas. It’s around these new ideas that your blog will evolve and grow. Personally I use a comments blog to get trace of these discussions. It’s is a place where I put all the discussions I had with other bloggers. Sometimes I skim it to find new ideas.
  • Grammar. One of his points is: “Don’t get too hung up on grammar”. I hope his explanation is right; otherwise I would not have any readers. However, I always have to have in mind the first goal of this blog: to learn English.
  • Evolve. The hardest thing to do is probably to keep the blog evolving. The content of the blog needs to evolve with the blogger. The subjects need to change. The reader need to see the blogger evolving in his writing. It’s hard to do. Fortunately, all the tips and trick of Keith will help you to evolve as a blogger. There are many good blogs that I stopped to read because I was losing my time. They were always saying all the same things in other words. Keep evolving; this is the key to success.

Which of these tricks do you use? How are you using them? Are you using other tricks? I would like to know them, share them here.

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