Behind Oz’s Curtain

Benjamin Nowack, creator of ARC and Trice, wrote an interesting blog post about the place of Microformats and RDFa in the HTML 5 specification. I am not deep into the specification itself, and so may lack some history context. However, the most interesting point in this article is not related to Microformats, RDFx or the new HTML 5 specification.

The point is that apparently, some people believe that it is RDF or nothing. This is not new, but is that true?

People (and particularly enterprises) want the benefits of structured data, not necessarily RDF. In fact, many people don’t know about RDF, or don’t understand RDF, or just don’t care about RDF. But, is it because you don’t know, understand or care about RDF that you cannot benefit from it? No, certainly not. And I think that is what Benjamin is talking about when he mentions things such as: “[…] to get RDF to the broader developer community“, “[…] here could have been a solution that would have served everybody sufficiently well, both HTMLers and RDFers“. “[…] they would most probably have been able to define RDFa 1.1 as a proper superset of Microdata”. RDF can be incarnated in multiple bodies, but it is still RDF. I think it is what Benjamin was suggesting, and it the path we took at Structured Dynamics.

We choose to use RDF behind Oz’s curtain. This means that at the core of any of our methodologies, systems and specifications, we use RDF. Why? Because it is the more flexible description framework available that helps us handle any other source of data. However, does that mean that we should push RDF in everybody’s face? Certainly not.

Our work with different enterprises from all kind of domains told us that we have to look beyond RDF while still using it (as paradoxically as that may appear). For example, we developed structWSF and conStruct such that people can upload (and manage) their data in different formats while being able to export it in all other different formats. At the core, these systems use RDF to manipulate all these different kind of formats, but from the outside, users simply use the format they care about, they use, or that they have available in their workflow. These users benefits from RDF without knowing it, understanding it or without caring about it. We don’t think RDF is for everyone, but everyone can benefit from RDF.

Another example of RDF behind Oz’s curtain is the irON description framework and its three serialization profiles: irJSON, irXML and commON that we developed. As stated in the Purpose section of this document, the goal was quite clear:

irON (instance record and Object Notation) is a abstract notation and associated vocabulary for specifying RDF triples and schema in non-RDF forms. Its purpose is to allow users and tools in non-RDF formats to stage interoperable datasets using RDF. The notation supports writing RDF and schema in JSON (irJSON), XML (irXML) and comma-delimited (CSV) formats (commON). The notation specification includes guidance for creating instance records (including in bulk), linkages to existing ontologies and schema, and schema definitions. Profiles and examples are also provided for each of the irXML, irJSON and commON serializations.

irON is premised on these considerations and observations:

  • RDF (Resource Description Framework) is a powerful canonical data model for data interoperability
  • However, most existing data is not written in RDF and many authors and publishers prefer other formats for various reasons
  • Many formats that are easier to author and read than RDF are variants of the attribute-value pair construct [2], which can readily be expressed as RDF, and
  • A common abstract notation for converting to RDF would also enable non-RDF formats to become somewhat interchangeable, thus allowing the strengths of each to be combined.

The irON notation and vocabulary is designed to allow the conceptual structure (“schema”) of datasets to be described, to facilitate easy description of the instance records that populate those datasets, and to link different structures for different schema to one another. In these manners, more-or-less complete RDF data structures and instances can be described in alternate formats and be made interoperable. irON provides a simple and naive information exchange notation expressive enough to describe most any data entity.

I think this is what Benjamin was talking about in his article, and the kind of mindset he was suggesting the RDF community to adopt. At least this is the minding we adopted at Structured Dynamics, and apparently it is the minding Benjamin adopted for his own business. I am sure there are many other people and organizations out there that are adopting the same point of view according to RDF and its role in the current data ecosystem.

New versions of structWSF and conStruct


We just released a new (major) version of both structWSF and conStruct. Though some months had passed since we last released this software, we finally got the time and opportunity to make these important upgrades.Many things have changed in both packages. I don’t want to iterate all the changes in this blog post, so I would suggest you to read the changes log files here:

These new versions have greatly been impacted by the needs of our clients. We also started to introduce some new concepts we wrote about the last few months.

A really good addition to this release is the a brand new Installation Manual. Hopefully people will be able to “easily” and properly install and setup a Web server to host these two packages.

All documentation files have been updated:

You can download both software packages from here:

An Amazon EC2/EBS Architecture

Some of the changes to these new versions have been made to help create, setup and maintain Web servers that host structWSF and conStruct instances.

At Structured Dynamics, we have developed and use a server architecture that leverages Amazon computer-in-the-clouds services such as: EC2, EBS, Elastic IP in the Cloud. Such an architecture is giving us the flexibility to easily maintain and upgrade server instances, to instantly create new structWSF instances in one click (without performing all these steps everytime), etc.

You can contact us for more information about these EC2 AMIs and EBS Volumes that we developed for this purpose. Here is an overview of the architecture that is now in place:


There is a clear separation of concerns between three major things:

  • Software & libraries
  • Configuration files
  • Data files.

We chose to put all software and libraries needed to create a stand-alone structWSF instance in an EC2 AMI. This means that all needed software to run a structWSF instance is present on the Virtuoso server running Ubuntu server.

Then we chose to put all configuration and data files on an EBS volume that we attach, and mount, on the EC2 instance. You can think about a EBS volume as a physical hard drive: it can be mounted on a server instance, but it can’t be shared between multiple instances.

By splitting the software & libraries, configuration and data files, we make sure that we can easily upgrade a structWSF server in production with the latest version of structWSF (its code base and all related software such as Virtuoso, Solr, etc). Since the configuration and data files are not on the EC2 instance, we can easily create a new EC2 instance by using the latest structWSF AMI we produced, and then to mount the configuration and data files EBS volume on the new (and upgraded) structWSF instance. That way, in a few clicks, we can fully upgrade a server in production without fear of disturbing the configuration or data files.

Additionally, we can easily create backups of configuration and data files at different intervals by using Amazon’s Snapshot technology.

Finally, we chose to put all related software and configuration files needed to run a conStruct instance in another, separate, EBS volume. That way, we have a clean structWSF AMI instance that can be upgraded at any time, and we can plug (mount) a conStruct instance (EBS instance) into a structWSF server at any time. This means that we can easily have structWSF instances with or without a conStruct instance. The same strategy can easily be used to create plugin packages that can be mounted and unmounted to any structWSF instance at any time, depending on the needs.

All this makes structWSF server instances maintenance easier, simpler and faster.