To know how Talk Digger fit into the Interactive-Web dimension, we have to know how users interact with the system. We have to remember that the Interactive-Web dimension is the Web of humans: document formatted for humans understanding (HTML, DOC, PDF etc.). So, how people are interacting Talk Digger? How people are using Talk Digger? How people are interpreting its information? Etc.
Talk Digger finds links between websites and create conversations according these relations.
So users will use this list of links to discover web pages (articles, blog posts, forum threads, etc.) that link (so that is talking) about a specific web page.
Then it lets people tracking the evolution of these conversations
Users will use this functionality to track a conversation evolving around a specific web page: so they track what are the new web pages that create link to that specific web page.
People can search for conversations tracked by Talk Digger
Users can search inside Talk Digger as they would in a normal search engine. If they search for «Windows », they will get results of web pages that talk about « Windows ».
It explicit relationship between conversations
Users have the possibility to see the relationship between web pages tracked (indexed) by Talk Digger. They will use this feature to find other web pages that are in relation with the current one. If we take a look at the image bellow, you will find that the results at the left are blogs that talk about Web 2.0 services. If you check at the right, you will see a list of Web 2.0 services. It is how Talk Digger can help users to find web pages that are in relations.
It aggregates people around Web conversations to create communities
The premise here is: people that are tracking the same conversation probably have personal interests in common. That said, Talk Digger users use this feature to find people which whom they could make in contact.
It lets people expressing their thoughts vis-à-vis a conversation
Users can express themselves and converse with other users in relation to a conversation.
It connects people
Users can explicit their relationship with other Talk Digger users, or with other people having a virtual profile on the Web. Social groups are shown and help users to get in contact with people of interest.
Talk Digger users can also create their online Web profile that could be use in Talk Digger to interact with other users or anywhere else on the Web (more information about that possibility in a future article of this series).
It lets users following the activity of their social network
Another way to discover new stuff is by following what your Talk Digger friends are tracking and what they have to say about some conversations.
It explicit relationship between people
This article explains how Talk Digger fit into the Interaction-Web dimension. It explains how users interact with the system and how they analyze the information that is presented to them. So, this is how Talk Digger fit into the Web of human.
In the next article, we will see how Talk Digger will fit into the second dimension of the Web: the Services-Web.
Series of articles about ZitGist, Talk Digger, Ping the Semantic Web and the Semantic Web:
Article 1: Talk Digger and Ping the Semantic Web became ZitGist
Article 2: The first three dimensions of the Web: Interactive-Web, Service-Web and Data-Web
Technorati: web | interaction | semantic | talkdigger | zitgist | data | |