What Internet users expect from it? What Internet users want from it? These types of questions haunt me since some days. I am searching what Internet users really want from it.

What type of service are they using?
What type of service they would like to use? (Not currently existing)
What are the problems that they are experiencing and that could be resolved by an Internet service?
Why Internet users… use Internet and computers?

These questions could seem silly at first. However, try to answer them, ask them and check for the answers: it is not as simple as it seems.

You, how would you answer to these questions?

There are some concepts you can use to start your thinking: social software, search engines, news networks, sharing networks, community, socialization, getting things done, management, business, store, etc.

Technorati: [] [] [] []

5 thoughts on “A question haunts me: What Internet users want?

  1. Internet users come in many shapes and sizes, so it’s hard to give you a simple answer, but here it goes: Internet users want to participate in the online experience. Any service that helps them connect to more people who share their interests the better. For more advanced users, APIs are a hot trend–allowing for the creation of all sorts of new content by pulling from other sources (it’s all about REST protocols, baby!).

    The future of the Internet, however, is going mobile, out the door and into the streets. Mobile phones will become the wireless-ubicomp network, leading to breakthroughs in Augmented Reality.

  2. Hello Mr. Oatway,

    Good points here!

    However, the fact is that social services and systems, like blogs, or any other things tagged with “social” are really not well know on the Internet for now. Nevertheless, you think that the future Internet users will shift from passive information harvester to interactive ones that add content to this information. I agree with that ๐Ÿ™‚

    However, are there other ways how the future Internet user would participate to the Internet experience?

    I also think that the future of the mobile Internet is assured. You only have to check what emerging countries are using: mobile phones. Why? Because wired networks are just too expensive to develop.



  3. What an interesting question! (OH, and Fred? I just realized I had subscribed to your comment feed rather than your main feed by mistake. LOL So I was delighted to see you appear on my bloglines once I got that corrected!!)

    I agree that internet users come in all shapes and sizes. But it seems to me that the core activities we participate in offline, we’re looking to also participate in ONLINE. That is — find information, shop, be entertained, listen to music, watch a movie, meet people (colleagues, friends, even mates!), talk with friends, work, catch up on world events, connect with service providers, manage our time, etc. It’s nearly limitless!

  4. Hello Taugnnee!

    Hahahaha, no problem ๐Ÿ˜‰ If you would like to receive everything, you can subscribe to the aggregator blog (http://fgiasson.com/blog/index.php?blog=1).

    Beautiful list ๐Ÿ™‚ Finally, we tend to do online what we currently are doing offline.

    To be honest, I am currently in an idea searching process. So, one of the steps is asking questions. It is why I asked this one, to try to find out something that somebody could find useful and use. Is that working? O yeah. However, in that process, I need to find many ideas, good and bad, analyze them to finally find out the best ๐Ÿ™‚

    So, I cannot be happier with all the comments and feedbacks I get these days on my blog!



  5. Hi Fred,

    Yes, those questions are on me either. Analytics, predictions, prophecy… this is tough.

    I do agree Internet is going to be mobile. In fact I think, we will leave our lives in the “Internet of things” era in 10 years from now.

    If Internet will be everywhere, what does it mean for simple user? It will be to complicated to manage. So, I think what will be highly demanded by users is simplicity. Simplicity in any form.

    I think it is about time to move on from “quantity to quality”, meaning that from the whole bunch of different internet services, resources, protocol, whatever, is going to converge into one simple device with a very natural and clear interface.

    Internet of feelings and emotions is coming. That’s my point.


    P.S. Don’t forget to share you emotions at http://www.worldofemotions.com ๐Ÿ™‚

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