I read something some months ago saying that the conferences, symposiums, etc. are more and more worthless and useless considering their business evolution, etc, etc, etc. I do not know if he was right, but the only thing I know is that the Web 2.0 conference 2005 is not the case. In fact, people are more than enthusiast to follow it. Many discussions are emerging everywhere on the blogsphere about it, and about the subject it covers: the web 2.0. More than ever, people try to define what is the Web 2.0, a hype term that people use in any context.
I already tried to roughly define what is the Web 2.0; and Tim O’reilly wrote a beautiful essay on that subject. It is a must read for anyone wanting to follow the discussions that will emerge from that conference.
So, are these conferences worthless and useless? Follow the current and future discussions emerging from that conference and re-ask you the question.