Literate [Clojure] Programming: Publishing Documentation In Multiple Formats

This blog post is the sixth, and the last, of a series of blog posts about Literate [Clojure] Programming in Org-mode where I explain how I develop my [Clojure] applications using literate programming concepts and principles.

This last post introduce a tool that leverage the side effect of having all the codes neatly discussed: it gives the possibility to automatically generate all different kinds of project documentation with a single key-binding. The documentation that we will generate are:

  1. Human readable HTML general project documentation
  2. Programming API documentation
  3. Book style complete project documentation in PDF

This series of blog posts about literate [Clojure] programming in Org-mode is composed of the following articles:

  1. Configuring Emacs for Org-mode
  2. Project folder structure
  3. Anatomy of a Org-mode file
  4. Tangling all project files
  5. Publishing documentation in multiple formats (this post)
  6. Unit Testing

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Literate [Clojure] Programming: Tangle All in Org-mode

This blog post is the fifth of a series of blog posts about Literate [Clojure] Programming in Org-mode where I explain how I develop my [Clojure] applications using literate programming concepts and principles.

This new blog post introduce a tool that is often necessary when developing literate applications using Org-mode: the tangle all script. As I explained in a previous blog post, doing literate programming is often like writing: you write something, you review and update it… often. This means that you may end-up changing multiple files in your Org-mode project. Depending how you configured you Emacs environment and Org-mode, you may have missed to tangle a file you changed that may cause issues down the road. This is the situation I will cover in this post.

This series of blog posts about literate [Clojure] programming in Org-mode is composed of the following articles:

  1. Configuring Emacs for Org-mode
  2. Project folder structure
  3. Anatomy of a Org-mode file
  4. Tangling all project files (this post)
  5. Publishing documentation in multiple formats
  6. Unit Testing

Continue reading “Literate [Clojure] Programming: Tangle All in Org-mode”

Literate [Clojure] Programming: Anatomy of a Org-mode file

This blog post is the second of a series of blog posts about Literate [Clojure] Programming where I explain how I develop my [Clojure] applications using literate programming concepts and principles. In the previous blog post I outlined a project’s structure. In this blog post I will demonstrate how I normally structure an Org-mode file to discuss the problem I am trying to solve, to code it and to test it.

One of the benefits of Literate Programming is that the tools that implement its concepts (in this case Org-mode) give to the developer the possibility to write its code in the order (normally more human friendly) he wants. This is one of the aspects I will cover in this article.

If you want to look at a really simple [Clojure] literate application I created for my Creating And Running Unit Tests Directly In Source Files With Org-mode blog post, take a look at the org-mode-clj-tests-utils (for the rendered version). It should give you a good example of what a literate file that follows the structure discussed here looks like.

This blog post belong to a series of posts about Literate [Clojure] Programming:

  1. Configuring Emacs for Org-mode
  2. Project folder structure
  3. Anatomy of a Org-mode file (this post)
  4. Tangling all project files
  5. Publishing documentation in multiple formats
  6. Unit Testing

Continue reading “Literate [Clojure] Programming: Anatomy of a Org-mode file”

Literate [Clojure] Programming Using Org-mode

Literate Programming is a great way to write computer software, particularly in fields like data science where data processing workflows are complex and often need much background information. I started to write about Literate Programming a few months ago, and now it is the time to formalize how I create Literate Programming applications.

This blog post belong to a series of posts about Literate [Clojure] Programming:

  1. Configuring Emacs for Org-mode
  2. Project folder structure (this post)
  3. Anatomy of a Org-mode file
  4. Tangling all project files
  5. Publishing documentation in multiple formats
  6. Unit Testing

Continue reading “Literate [Clojure] Programming Using Org-mode”

Optimal Emacs Settings for Org-mode for Literate Programming

For some time I have been interested in using Emacs and Org-mode for developing Clojure in a Literate Programming way. I discussed the basic ideas, some of the benefits of doing so, etc, etc. It is now time to start showing how I am doing this, what are the rules of thumb I created, what is the structure of my programs, etc.

However, before I start writing about any of this, I think the next step is to explain how I configured Org-mode to have a frictionless experience to develop my applications in Literate Programming using Org-mode. Then in a subsequent series of blog posts I will explain how I structured my Clojure project, what is my development workflow, etc.

Note that if you don’t have Emacs setup for Clojure/Cider, I would encourage you to read this other blog post which explains how to setup a Clojure environment in Emacs.

This is the first post of a series of blog posts that will cover the full workflow. I will demonstrate how I do Literate Programming for developing a Clojure application, but exactly the same workflow would work for any other programming language supported by Org-mode (Python, R, etc.). The only thing that is required is to adapt the principles to the project structures in these other languages. The series of blog posts will cover:

  1. Configuring Emacs for Org-mode (this post)
  2. Project folder structure
  3. Anatomy of a Org-mode file
  4. Tangling all project files
  5. Publishing documentation in multiple formats
  6. Unit Testing

Continue reading “Optimal Emacs Settings for Org-mode for Literate Programming”