Behind Oz’s Curtain

Benjamin Nowack, creator of ARC and Trice, wrote an interesting blog post about the place of Microformats and RDFa in the HTML 5 specification. I am not deep into the specification itself, and so may lack some history context. However, the most interesting point in this article is not related to Microformats, RDFx or the new HTML 5 specification.

The point is that apparently, some people believe that it is RDF or nothing. This is not new, but is that true?

People (and particularly enterprises) want the benefits of structured data, not necessarily RDF. In fact, many people don’t know about RDF, or don’t understand RDF, or just don’t care about RDF. But, is it because you don’t know, understand or care about RDF that you cannot benefit from it? No, certainly not. And I think that is what Benjamin is talking about when he mentions things such as: “[…] to get RDF to the broader developer community“, “[…] here could have been a solution that would have served everybody sufficiently well, both HTMLers and RDFers“. “[…] they would most probably have been able to define RDFa 1.1 as a proper superset of Microdata”. RDF can be incarnated in multiple bodies, but it is still RDF. I think it is what Benjamin was suggesting, and it the path we took at Structured Dynamics.

We choose to use RDF behind Oz’s curtain. This means that at the core of any of our methodologies, systems and specifications, we use RDF. Why? Because it is the more flexible description framework available that helps us handle any other source of data. However, does that mean that we should push RDF in everybody’s face? Certainly not.

Our work with different enterprises from all kind of domains told us that we have to look beyond RDF while still using it (as paradoxically as that may appear). For example, we developed structWSF and conStruct such that people can upload (and manage) their data in different formats while being able to export it in all other different formats. At the core, these systems use RDF to manipulate all these different kind of formats, but from the outside, users simply use the format they care about, they use, or that they have available in their workflow. These users benefits from RDF without knowing it, understanding it or without caring about it. We don’t think RDF is for everyone, but everyone can benefit from RDF.

Another example of RDF behind Oz’s curtain is the irON description framework and its three serialization profiles: irJSON, irXML and commON that we developed. As stated in the Purpose section of this document, the goal was quite clear:

irON (instance record and Object Notation) is a abstract notation and associated vocabulary for specifying RDF triples and schema in non-RDF forms. Its purpose is to allow users and tools in non-RDF formats to stage interoperable datasets using RDF. The notation supports writing RDF and schema in JSON (irJSON), XML (irXML) and comma-delimited (CSV) formats (commON). The notation specification includes guidance for creating instance records (including in bulk), linkages to existing ontologies and schema, and schema definitions. Profiles and examples are also provided for each of the irXML, irJSON and commON serializations.

irON is premised on these considerations and observations:

  • RDF (Resource Description Framework) is a powerful canonical data model for data interoperability
  • However, most existing data is not written in RDF and many authors and publishers prefer other formats for various reasons
  • Many formats that are easier to author and read than RDF are variants of the attribute-value pair construct [2], which can readily be expressed as RDF, and
  • A common abstract notation for converting to RDF would also enable non-RDF formats to become somewhat interchangeable, thus allowing the strengths of each to be combined.

The irON notation and vocabulary is designed to allow the conceptual structure (“schema”) of datasets to be described, to facilitate easy description of the instance records that populate those datasets, and to link different structures for different schema to one another. In these manners, more-or-less complete RDF data structures and instances can be described in alternate formats and be made interoperable. irON provides a simple and naive information exchange notation expressive enough to describe most any data entity.

I think this is what Benjamin was talking about in his article, and the kind of mindset he was suggesting the RDF community to adopt. At least this is the minding we adopted at Structured Dynamics, and apparently it is the minding Benjamin adopted for his own business. I am sure there are many other people and organizations out there that are adopting the same point of view according to RDF and its role in the current data ecosystem.

New versions of structWSF and conStruct


We just released a new (major) version of both structWSF and conStruct. Though some months had passed since we last released this software, we finally got the time and opportunity to make these important upgrades.Many things have changed in both packages. I don’t want to iterate all the changes in this blog post, so I would suggest you to read the changes log files here:

These new versions have greatly been impacted by the needs of our clients. We also started to introduce some new concepts we wrote about the last few months.

A really good addition to this release is the a brand new Installation Manual. Hopefully people will be able to “easily” and properly install and setup a Web server to host these two packages.

All documentation files have been updated:

You can download both software packages from here:

An Amazon EC2/EBS Architecture

Some of the changes to these new versions have been made to help create, setup and maintain Web servers that host structWSF and conStruct instances.

At Structured Dynamics, we have developed and use a server architecture that leverages Amazon computer-in-the-clouds services such as: EC2, EBS, Elastic IP in the Cloud. Such an architecture is giving us the flexibility to easily maintain and upgrade server instances, to instantly create new structWSF instances in one click (without performing all these steps everytime), etc.

You can contact us for more information about these EC2 AMIs and EBS Volumes that we developed for this purpose. Here is an overview of the architecture that is now in place:


There is a clear separation of concerns between three major things:

  • Software & libraries
  • Configuration files
  • Data files.

We chose to put all software and libraries needed to create a stand-alone structWSF instance in an EC2 AMI. This means that all needed software to run a structWSF instance is present on the Virtuoso server running Ubuntu server.

Then we chose to put all configuration and data files on an EBS volume that we attach, and mount, on the EC2 instance. You can think about a EBS volume as a physical hard drive: it can be mounted on a server instance, but it can’t be shared between multiple instances.

By splitting the software & libraries, configuration and data files, we make sure that we can easily upgrade a structWSF server in production with the latest version of structWSF (its code base and all related software such as Virtuoso, Solr, etc). Since the configuration and data files are not on the EC2 instance, we can easily create a new EC2 instance by using the latest structWSF AMI we produced, and then to mount the configuration and data files EBS volume on the new (and upgraded) structWSF instance. That way, in a few clicks, we can fully upgrade a server in production without fear of disturbing the configuration or data files.

Additionally, we can easily create backups of configuration and data files at different intervals by using Amazon’s Snapshot technology.

Finally, we chose to put all related software and configuration files needed to run a conStruct instance in another, separate, EBS volume. That way, we have a clean structWSF AMI instance that can be upgraded at any time, and we can plug (mount) a conStruct instance (EBS instance) into a structWSF server at any time. This means that we can easily have structWSF instances with or without a conStruct instance. The same strategy can easily be used to create plugin packages that can be mounted and unmounted to any structWSF instance at any time, depending on the needs.

All this makes structWSF server instances maintenance easier, simpler and faster.

When Linked Data Rules Fail

Image Source:

High Visibility Problems with NYT, Show Need for Better

When I say, “shot”, what do you think of? A flu shot? A shot of whisky? A moon shot? A gun shot? What if I add the term “bank”? Do you now think of someone being shot in an armed robbery of a local bank or similar?

And, now, what if I add a reference to say, The Hustler, or Minnesota Fats, or “Fast Eddie” Felson? Do you now see the connection to a pressure-packed banked pool shot in some smoky bar room?

As humans we need context to make connections and remove ambiguity. For machines, with their limited reasoning and inference engines, context and accurate connections are even more important.

Over the past few weeks we have seen announcements of two large and high-visibility linked data

projects:  One, a first release of references for articles concerning about 5,000 people from the New York Times at; and Two, a massive exposure of 5 billion triples from datasets provided by the Tetherless World Constellation (TWC) at Rennselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI).

On various grounds from licensing to data characterization and to creating linked data for its own sake, some prominent commentators have weighed in on what is good and what is not so good with these datasets. One of us, Mike, commented about a week ago that “we have now moved beyond ‘proof of concept’ to
the need for actual useful data of trustworthy provenance and proper mapping and characterization. Recent efforts are a disappointment that no enterprise would or could rely upon.”

Reactions to that posting and continued discussion on various mailing lists warrant a more precise dissection of what is wrong and still needs to be done with these datasets [1].

Berners-Lee’s Four Linked Data “Rules”

It is useful, then, to return to first principles, namely the original four “rules” posed by Tim Berners-Lee in his design note on linked data [2]:

  1. Use URIs as names for things
  2. Use HTTP URIs so that people can look up those names
  3. When someone looks up a URI, provide useful information, using thestandards (RDF, SPARQL)
  4. Include links to other URIs so that they can discover more things.

The first two rules are definitional to the idea of linked data. They cement the basis of linked data in the Web, and are not at issue with either of the two linked data projects that are the subject of this posting.

However, it is the lack of specifics and guidance in the last two rules where the breakdowns occur. Both the NYT and the RPI datasets suffer from a lack of “providing useful information” (Rule #3). And, the nature of the links in Rule #4 is a real problem for the NYT dataset.

What Constitutes “Useful Information”?

The Wikipedia entry on linked data expands on “useful information” by augmenting the original rule with the parenthetical clause, ” (i.e., a structured description — metadata).” But even that expansion is insufficient.

Fundamentally, what are we talking about with linked data? Well, we are talking about instances that are characterized by one or more attributes. Those instances exist within contexts of various natures. And, those contexts may relate to other existing contexts.

We can break this problem description down into three parts:

  • A vocabulary that defines the nature of the instances and their descriptive attributes
  • A schema of some nature that describes the structural relationships amongst instances and their characteristics, and, optimally,
  • A mapping to existing external schema or constructs that help place the data into context.

At minimum, ANY dataset exposed as linked data needs to be described by a vocabulary. Both the NYT and RPI datasets fail on this score, as we elaborate below. Better practice is to also provide a schema of relationships in which to embed each instance record. And, best practice is to also map those structures to external schema.

Lacking this “useful information”, especially a defining vocabulary, we cannot begin to understand whether our instances deal with drinks, bank robberies or pool shots. This lack, in essence, makes the information worthless, even though available via URL.

The (RPI) Case

With the support of NSF and various grant funding, RPI has set up the
Data-Gov Wiki [3], which is in the process of converting the datasets on to RDF,placing them into a semantic wiki to enable comment and annotation, and providing that data as RSS feeds. Other demos are also being placed on the site.

As of the date of this posting, the site had a catalog of 116 datasets from the 800 or so available on, leading to these statistics:

  • 459,412,419 table entries
  • 5,074,932,510 triples, and
  • 7,564 properties (or attributes).

We’ll take one of these datasets, #319, and look a bit closer at it:

Wiki Title Agency Name Link No Properties No Triples RDF File
Dataset 319 Consumer Expenditure Survey Department of Labor LABOR-STAT 22 1,583,236

This report was picked solely because it had a small number of attributes (properties), and is thus easier to screen capture. The summary report on the wiki is shown by this page:

Data-gov-Wiki Dataset #319

(click to expand)

So, we see that this specific dataset contains about 22 of the nearly 8,000 attributes across all datasets.

When we click on one of these attribute names, we are then taken to a specific wiki page that only reiterates its label. There is no definition or explanation.

When we inspect this page further we see that, other than the broad characterization of the dataset itself (the bulk of the page), we see at the bottom 22 undefined attributes with labels such as item code, periodicity code, seasonal, and the like. These attributes are the real structural basis for the data in this dataset.

But, what does all of this mean???

To gain a clue, now let’s go to the source site for this dataset (#319). Here is how that report looks: Dataset #319

(click to expand)

Contained within this report we see a listing for additional metadata. This link tells us about the various data fields contained in this dataset; we see many of these attributes are “codes” to various data categories.

Probing further into the dataset’s technical documentation, we see that there is indeed a rich structure underneath this report, again provided
via various code lookups. There are codes for geography, seasonality (adjusted or not), consumer demographic profiles and a variety of consumption categories. (See, for example, the link to this glossary page.) These are the keys to understanding the actual values within this dataset.

For example, one major dimension of the data is captured by the attribute item_code. The survey breaks down consumption expenditures within the broad categories of  Food, Housing, Apparel and Services, Transportation, Health Care, Entertainment, and Other. Within a category, there is also a rich structural breakdown. For xample, expenditures for Bakery Products within Food is given a code of FHC2.

But, nowhere are these codes defined or unlocked in the RDF datasets. This absence is true for virtually all of the datasets exposed on this wiki.

So, for literally billions of triples, and 8,000 attributes, we have ABSOLUTELY NO INFORMATION ABOUT WHAT THE DATA CONTAINS OTHER THAN A PROPERTY LABEL. There is much,much rich value here in, but all of it remains locked up and hidden.

The sad truth about this data release is that it provides absolutely no value in its current form. We lack the keys to unlock the value.

To be sure, early essential spade work has been done here to begin putting in place the conversion infrastructure for moving text files, spreadsheets and the like to an RDF form. This is yeoman work important to ultimate access. But, until a vocabulary is published that defines the attributes and their codes so we can unlock this value, it will remain hidden. And only when its further value (by connecting attributes and relations across datasets) through a schema of some nature is also published, the real value from connecting the dots will also remain hidden.The Hustler

These datasets may meet the partial conditions of providing clickable URLs, but the crucial “useful information” as to what any of this data means is absent.

Every single dataset on has supporting references to text files, PDFs, Web pages or the like that describe the nature of the data within each dataset. Until that information is exposed and made usable, we have no linked data.

Until ontologies get created from these technical documents, the value of these data instances remain locked up, and no value can be created from having these datasets expressed in RDF.

The devil lies in the details. The essential hard work has not yet begun.

The NYT Case

Though at a much smaller scale with many fewer attributes, the NYT dataset suffers from the same failing: it too lacks a vocabulary.

So, let’s take the case of one of the lead actors in The Hustler, Paul Newman, who played the role of “Fast Eddie” Felson. Here is the NYT record for the “person” Paul
(which they also refer to as Note the header title of Newman, Paul:

NYT 'Paul Newman Articles' Record

(click to expand)

Click on any of the internal labels used by the NYT for its own attributes (such as nyt:first_use), and you will be given this message:

“An RDFS description and English language documentation for the NYT namespace will be provided soon. Thanks for your patience.”

We again have no idea what is meant by all of this data except for the labels used for its attributes. In this case for nyt:first_use we have a value of “2001-03-18”.

Hello? What? What is a “first use” for a “Paul Newman” of “2001-03-18”???

The NYT put the cart before the horse: even if minimal, they should have released their ontology first — or at least at the same time — as they released their data instances. (See further this discussion about how an ontology creation workflow can be incremental by starting simple and then upgrading as needed.)

Links to Other Things

Since there really are no links to other things on the Data-Gov Wiki, our focus in this section continues with the NYT dataset using our same example.

We now are in the territory of the fourth “rule” of linked data: 4. Include links to other URIs so that they can discover more things.

This will seem a bit basic at first, but before we can talk about linking to other things, we first need to understand and define the starting “thing” to which we are linking.

What is a “Newman, Paul” Thing?

Of course, without its own vocabulary, we are left to deduce what this thing “Newman, Paul” is that is shown in the previous screen shot. Our first clue comes from the statement that it is of rdf:type SKOS concept. By looking to the SKOS vocabulary, we see that concept is a class and is defined as:

A SKOS concept can be viewed as an idea or notion; a unit of thought. However, what constitutes a unit of thought is subjective, and this
definition is meant to be suggestive, rather than restrictive. The notion of a SKOS concept is useful when describing the conceptual or intellectual structure of a knowledge organization system, and when referring to specific ideas or meanings established within a KOS.

We also see that this instance is given a foaf:primaryTopic of Paul Newman.

So, we can deduce so far that this instance is about the concept or idea of Paul Newman. Now, looking to the attributes of this instance — that is the defining properties provided by the NYT — we see the properties of nyt:associated_article_count, nyt:first_use, nyt:last_use and nyt:topicPage. Completing our deductions, and in the absence of its own vocabulary, we can now define this concept instance somewhat as follows:

New York Times articles in the period 2001 to 2009 having as their primary topic the actor Paul Newman

(BTW, across all records in this dataset, we could see what the earliest first use was to better deduce the time period over which these articles have been assembled, but that has not been done.)

We also would re-title this instance more akin to “2001-2009 NYT Articles with a Primary Topic of Paul Newman” or some such and use URIs more akin to this usage.

sameAs Woes

Thus, in order to make links or connections with other data, it is essential to understand what the nature is of the subject “thing” at hand. There is much confusion about actual “things” and the references to “things” and what is the nature of a “thing” within the literature and on mailing lists.

Our belief and usage in matters of the semantic Web is that all “things” we deal with are a reference to whatever the “true”, actual thing is. The question then becomes:  What is the nature (or scope) of this referent?

There are actually quite easy ways to determine this nature. First, look to one or more instance examples of the “thing” being referred to. In our case above, we have the “Newman, Paul” instance record. Then, look to the properties (or attributes) the publisher of that record has used to describe that thing. Again, in the case above, we have nyt:associated_article_count, nyt:first_use, nyt:last_use and nyt:topicPage.

Clearly, this instance record — that is, its nature — deals with articles or groups of articles. The relation to Paul Newman occurs as a basis of
the primary topic of these articles, and not a person basis for which to describe the instance. If the nature of the instance was indeed the person Paul Newman, then the attributes of the record would more properly be related to “person” properties such as age, sex, birthdate, death date, marital status, etc.

This confusion by NYT as to the nature of the “things” they are describing then leads to some very serious errors. By confusing the topic (Paul Newman) of a record with the nature of that record (articles about topics), NYT next misuses one of the most powerful semantic Web predicates available, owl:sameAs.

By asserting in the “Newman, Paul” record that the instance has a sameAs relationship with external records in Freebase and DBpedia, the NYT both entails that properties from any of the associated records are shared and infers a chain of other types to describe the record. More precisely, the NYT is asserting that the “thing” referred to by these instances are identical resources.

Thus, by the sameAs statements in the “Newman, Paul” record, the NYT is also asserting that that record is an instance of all these classes:

Furthermore, because of its strong, reciprocal entailments, the owl:sameAs assertion would also now entail that the person Paul Newman has the nyt:first_use and nyt:last_use attributes, clearly illogical for a “person” thing.

This connection is clearly wrong in both directions. Articles are not persons and don’t have marital status; and persons do not have first_uses. By misapplying this sameAs linkage relationship, we have screwed things up in every which way. And the error began with misunderstanding what kinds of “things” our data is about.

Some Options

However, there are solutions. First, the sameAs assertions, at least involving these external resources, should be dropped.

Second, if linkages are still desired, a vocabulary such as UMBEL [4] could be used to make an assertion between such a concept, and these other related resources. So, even though these resources are not the same, they are closely related. The UMBEL ontology helps us to define this kind of relation between related, but non-identical, resources.

Instead of using the owl:sameAs

property, we would suggest the usage of the umbel:linksEntity, which links a skos:Concept to related named entities resources. Additionally, Freebase, which also currently asserts a sameAs relationship to the NYT resource, could use the umbel:isAbout relationship to assert that their resource “is about” a certain concept, which is the one defined by the NYT.

Alternatively, still other external vocabularies that more precisely capture the intent of the NYT publishers could be found, or the NYT editors could define their own properties specifically addressing their unique linkage interests.

Other Minor Issues

As a couple of additional, minor suggestions for the NYT dataset, we would suggest:

  • Create a foaf:Organization description of the NYT organization, then use it with dc:creator and dcterms:rightsHolder rather than using a literal, and
  • The dual URIs such as “” and “” are not wrong in themselves, but the purpose is hard to understand. Why does a single organization need to create multiple resources for the identical resource, when it comes from the same system and has the same purpose?

Re-visiting the Linkage “Rule”

There are very valuable benefits from entailment, inference and logic to be gained from linking resources. However, if the nature of the “things” being linked — or the properties that define these linkages — are incorrect, then very wrong logical implications result. Great care and understanding should be applied to linkage assertions.

In the End, the Challenge is Not Linked Data, but Connected Data

Our critical comments are not meant to be disrespectful and are not being picky. The NYT and TWC are prominent institutions for which we should expect leadership on these issues. Our criticisms (and we believe those of others) are also not an expression of a “trough of disillusionment” as some have been pointing out.

This posting is about poor practices, pure and simple. The time to correct them is now. If asked, we would be pleased to help either institution establish exemplar practices. This is not automatic, and it is not always easy. The datasets, in particular, will require much time and effort to get right. There is much documentation that needs to be transitioned and expressed in semantic Web formats.

In a broader sense, we also seem to lack a definition of best practices related to vocabularies, schema and mappings. The Berners-Lee rules are imprecise and insufficient as is. Prior best guidance documents tend to
be more how to publish and make URIs linkable, than to properly characterize, describe and connect the data.

Perhaps, in part, this is a bit of a semantics issue. The challenge is not the mechanics of linking data, but the meaning and basis for connecting that data. Connections require logic and rationality sufficient to reliably inform inference and rule-based engines. It also needs to pass the sniff test as we “follow our nose” by clicking the links exposed by the data.

It is exciting to see high-quality content such as from national governments and major publishers like the New York Times begin to be exposed as linked data. When this content finally gets embedded into usable contexts, we should see manifest uses and benefits emerge. We hope both institutions take our criticisms in that spirit.

This posting has been jointly authored by Mike Bergman and Fred Giasson and simultaneously published on both of their blogs, hoping to draw more attention to the need for better practices in publishing linked data.

[1] The NYT has been updated with improvements and they fixed multiple issues from the first release. The
problems listed herein, however, still pertain after these improvements.
[2] Tim Berners-Lee, 2006. Linked Data (Design Issues), first posted on 2006-07-27; last updated on
2009-06-18. See Berners-Lee refers to the steps above as “rules,” but he elaborates they are expectations of behavior. Most later citations refer to these as “principles.”
[3] Li Ding, Dominic DiFranzo, Sarah Magidson, Deborah L. McGuinness and Jim Hendler, 2009. Data-GovWiki: Towards Linked Government Data. See
[4] UMBEL (Upper Mapping and Binding Exchange Layer) is a lightweight ontology structure in development for relating Web content and data to a standard set of subject concepts. It purpose has resulted in its creation of an associated vocabulary geared to both class-instance and reciprocal relationships, as well as partial or likelihood relationships. See

commON and irJSON PHP parsers released

iron_logo_235Two days ago we released irON: Instance Record and Object Notation (irON) Specification. irON is a new notation that has been created to describe instance records. irON records can be serialized in 3 different formats: irXML (XML), irJSON (JSON) and commON (CSV: mainly for spreadsheet manipulations).

The release of irON has already been covered at length on Mike’s blog and in Structure Dynamics’s press room; so I won’t talk more about it here.

irON Parsers

What I am happy to release today are the first two parsers that can be used to parse and validate irON datasets of instance records. The first two parsers that have been developed so far are the ones for irJSON and commON. Each parser has been developed in PHP and is available under the Apache 2 licence. Now, lets take a look at each of them

irJSON Parser

The irJSON parser package can be downloaded here. Additionally, the source code can be browsed here.

First of all, to understand the code, you have to understand the specification of the irJSON serialization.

The irON parser package is everything you need to test and use the parser. The package is composed of the following files:

  • test.php – If you want to quick-start with this package, just run this test.php script and you will have an idea of what it can do for you. This script just runs the parser over a irJSON test file, and shows you some validation errors along with the internal parsed structure of the file. From there, you can simply use the irJSONParser class, with the structure that is returned to do whatever is needed for you: adding the information in you database, converting the data to another format, etc.
  • irJSONParser.php – This is the irJSON parser class. It parses the irJSON file and populates its internal structure that is composed of instances of the classes below.
  • Dataset.php – This class defines a Dataset records with all its attributes. It is the object that the developed has to manipulate that comes from the parser.
  • InstanceRecord.php – This class defines an Instance Records with all its attributes. It is the object that the developed has to manipulate that comes from the parser.
  • StructureSchema.php – This class defines a Structure Schema records with all its attributes. It is the object that the developed has to manipulate that comes from the parser.
  • LinkageSchema.php – This class defines a Linkage Schema records with all its attributes. It is the object that the developed has to manipulate that comes from the parser.

The irJSON parser also validates the incoming irJSON files according to these three levels of validation:

  1. JSON well-formedness validation – The first validation test occurs on the JSON serialization itself. A JSON file has to be a well formed in order to be processed. An error at this level will raise an error to the user.
  2. irJSON well-formedness validation – Once JSON is parsed and well formed, the parser make sure that the file is irJSON well-formed. If it is not well formed according to the irJSON spec, an error will be raised to the user.
  3. Structure Schema validation – The last validation that occurs is between instance records, and their related (if available) Structure Schema. If a validation error happens at this level, a notice will be raised to the user.

You can experiment with some of these validation errors and notices by running the test.php script in the package.

With this package, developers can already start to parse irJSON files and to integrate them with some of their prototype projects.

commON Parser

The commON parser package can be downloaded here. Additionally, the source code can be browsed here.

To understand the code, you have to understand the specification of the commON serialization.

The commON parser package is everything you need to test the parser. The package is composed of the following files:

  • test.php – If you want to quick-start with this package, just run this test.php script and you will have an idea of what it can do for you. This script just run the parser over a file, and shows you some validation errors along with the internal parsed structure of the file. From there, you can simply use the CommonParser class, with the structure that is returned to do whatever is needed for you: adding the information in you database, converting the data to another format, etc.
  • CommonParser.php – This is the commON parser class. It parses the commON file and populates its internal structure that is described in the code. the parser.

The commON parser also validates the incoming commON files according to these two levels:

  1. CSV well-formedness validation – The first validation test occurs on the CSV serialization itself. A CSV file has to be a well formed in order to be processed. An error at this level will raise an error to the user.
  2. commON well-formedness validation – Once CSV is parsed and well formed, the parser make sure that the file is CSV well-formed. If it is not well formed according to the CSV RFC, an error will be raised to the user.

You can experiment some of these validation errors and notices by running the test.php script in the package.

With this package, developers can already start to parsing commON files and to integrate them with some prototypes of their projects.

The commON parser is less advanced than the irJSON one. For example, the implementation of the “dataset” and the “schema” processor keywords are not yet done. Other keywords haven’t (yet) been integrated too. Take a look at the source code to know what is currently missing.

In any case, a lot of things can currently be done with this parser. We will publish specific commON usage use-cases in the coming weeks that will shows people are we are using commON internally and how we will expect our customers to use it to create and maintain different smaller datasets.


These are the first versions of the irJSON and commON parsers. We have to continue to development to make them perfectly reflecting the current and future irON specification. We yet have to write the irXML parser too.

I would encourage reporting any issues with these parsers, or any enhancement suggestions, on this issue tracked.

All discussions regarding these parsers and the irON specification document should happen on the irON group mailing list here.

Finally, another step for us will be to embed these parsers in converter web services for structWSF.

A New Home for UMBEL Web Services

umbel_wsEight months ago we announced the dissolution of Zitgist LLC. This event led to the creation of a sandbox to keep alive all the online assets of the company. Since this sandbox server was not owned by Structured Dynamics, it was becoming hard for us to update UMBEL and its online services. It is why we took the time to move the services back on to our new servers.

A New Home

sd_logo_260Structured Dynamics LLC now hosts a new version for the UMBEL Web services. From the main menu at the SD Web site you can access these services under the “umbel ws” menu option (you can also bookmark the Web services site at or

This move of UMBEL’s Web services to a new home will make the future upgrade of UMBEL easier, and this will make the maintenance of the Web services endpoints easier as well. With this move, I am pleased to announce the release of five initial Web services and one visualization tool:

Lookup Web Services:

Inference Engine Web Services:

SPARQL endpoint Web Service:

Visual Tool:

Note that the visual tool is using Moritz Stefaner’s Relation Browser.

Ping the Semantic Web

ptswlogo160.gifAdditionally, the Ping the Semantic Web RDF pinging service is now the property of OpenLink Software Inc. OpenLink is now hosting, maintaining and developing the service.