word2vec is a two layer artificial neural network used to process text to learn relationships between words within a text corpus to create a model of all the relationships between the words of that corpus. The text corpus that a word2vec process uses to learn the relationships between words is called the training corpus.
In this article I will show you how Cognonto‘s knowledge base can be used to automatically create highly accurate domain specific training corpuses that can be used by word2vec to generate word relationship models. However you have to understand that what is being discussed here is not only applicable to word2vec, but to any method that uses corpuses of text for training. For example, in another article, I will show how this can be done with another algorithm called ESA (Explicit Semantic Analysis).
It is said about word2vec that “given enough data, usage and contexts, word2vec can make highly accurate guesses about a word’s meaning based on past appearances.” What I will show in this article is how to determine the context and we will see how this impacts the results.
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