Company |
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Structured Dynamics LLC and its principals are experts and thought leader and innovator helping to catalyze the semantic enterprise using the semantic web and open source technologies that we develop
SD's professional services include:
More about Structured Dynamics...
Open Source Projects |
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OSF (Open semantic framework)The open semantic framework, or OSF, is a combination of a layered architecture and modular software. It is composed of OSF Web Services, OSF for Drupal, OSF Web Services PHP API, a series of command line management tools and many other moving parts The open semantic framework represents the software component of the four-component total open solution. Some specific products (such as Citizen Dan, for example) are instantiations of this open semantic framework.
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OSF Web ServicesOSF Web Services is a RESTful middleware layer that provides the bridge between existing content and structure and content management systems and available indexing engines and RDF data stores. OSF Web Services also provides a platform-independent means for distributed collaboration via an innovative dataset access paradigm. More about OSF Web Services...
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OSF for DrupalOSF for Drupal is a distro of the Drupal framework specifically developed to provide management, access and visualization of structured content. OSF for Drupal is built on the OSF Web Services platform.
Ontologies |
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UMBELUMBEL (Upper-level Mapping and Binding Exchange Layer) is a lightweight ontology for relating Web data and datasets to one another via a standard set of about 22,000 subject concepts. It is meant to apply to all types of data on the Web from RSS and Atom feeds to tagging to microformats and topic maps to RDF and OWL (among others).
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Bibliographic OntologyThe Bibliographic Ontology provides main concepts and properties for describing citations and bibliographic references (i.e., quotes, books, articles, etc) on the semantic Web. More about Bibliographic Ontology...
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Music OntologyThe Music Ontology is an attempt to link all the information about musical artists, albums and tracks together, from MusicBrainz to MySpace. The goal is to express all relations between musical information in order to help people find anything about music and musicians. It is based around the concept of machine readable information provided by any web site or web service on the Web.
External project involvement |
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Linking Open Data CommunityLinking Open Data is a community project of the W3C's Semantic Web Education and Outreach (SWEO) group. Since 2007, the project has catalyzed publishing interlinked datasets of over two billion RDF triples, interlinked by around 3 million RDF links, from high-value reference sources, including notable place, people, event, book, music, cultural, language and government entities. More about Linking Open Data Community...
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OpenCycThe Cyc Foundation is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the enrichment and utilization of the open source portions of the Cyc knowledge base the world's largest repository of machine-readable, common-sense knowledge. The foundation works to expand these resources through software development and community initiatives that educate developers and increase awareness of the potential applications of the technology.
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YagoYago is a huge semantic knowledge base. YAGO has been completely renewed and extended in December 2007. Currently, Yago knows over 1.7 million entities (like persons, organizations, cities, etc.). It knows about 14 million facts about these entities. This Web-Interface allows users to pose questions to Yago in the form of queries.
Past Products |
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ironirON (instance record and Object Notation) is a abstract notation and associated vocabulary for specifying RDF triples and schema in non-RDF forms. Its purpose is to allow users and tools in non-RDF formats to stage interoperable datasets using RDF. The notation supports writing RDF and schema in JSON (irJSON), XML (irXML) and comma-delimited (CSV) formats (commON). The notation specification includes guidance for creating instance records (including in bulk), linkages to existing ontologies and schema, and schema definitions. Profiles and examples and code parsers and converters are also provided for the irXML, irJSON and commON serializations. |
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citizen danCitizen Dan is a free, open source system available to any community and its citizenry to measure and track indicators of local well being (see further details). It is under development with support from a number of innovative cities. It is the first exemplar instance of Structured Dynamics' open semantic framework (OSF), a generalized framework for deploying semantic platforms for specific domains. |
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zLinksThe zLinks client-side service is an entry point to a vast new world of additional rich data and link-related services . . . waiting silently in the background until you need it. zLinks is made available as either a blog or CMS plug-in or browser extension. The service automatically adds a mini- icon to any embedded link . When you mouse over this icon and after a brief delay to prevent annoying and unwanted popups the zLinks dialog presents icon-typed links to further relevant data and documents in context to that link. Here are a couple of more examples to mouse over showing the possibilities for embedded links dealing with such items as places, people, books, or music albums, among many others. Once installed, zLinks automatically turbocharges all of your existing and new content links to tap these resources that are contextual, relevant, informative and actionable. Some of these embedded links have a lot of data (additional links) behind them, some have relatively little, depending on their degree of "linkedness." Authors of zLinks-powered content can also provide their own link annotations and gain other benefits.
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Ping the Semantic WebPingTheSemanticWeb or PTSW as it has affectionately come to be called is a repository for RDF resources. Once subscribed, the service is notified whenever a new RDF resource is created or updated. External users can also import the list of recently created/updated RDF documents, and various APIs are available to access the service. About 1 million resources are presently being tracked by PTSW, and it has become an authoritative source for the status and statistics of RDF, namespaces and the semantic Web. More about Ping the Semantic Web...
DataViewerZitgist's product for viewing Linked Data is called the DataViewer. It has been designed specifically to:
1. Help users manage information overload 2. Provide speedy display with much feedback, and 3. Use a rich diversity of presentation templates appropriate to the type of data (entity) under display (such as people, places, things, organizations, events, and so on). There is an interactive online demo of the DataViewer, plus walkthroughs of screenshots and operation, various examples to run, and a listing of all available templates with the widget and display options that accompany them. The DataViewer design also abstracts the data model from its views. This enables "skinning" varied display options including standard Web pages (thumbnail shown) and mobile devices (near full size).
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Talk DiggerTalk Digger is a service for subscribers to find Web conversations and discover interesting stuff, see relationships between conversations, browse the Web by tracing conversations, and to create awareness and monitor commentary about what is happening on their own Web sites. Talk Digger also can be used to set up new social networks and can be used as a "conversation" search engine. Besides conversations, threads can also be searched by user, tag, comment or URL.