– A Community Indicators Web Portal Using Semantic Web Technologies

Now that the project has been unveiled at the Winnipeg Poverty Reduction Partnership Forum, I can now start to write about each and every feature of this innovative website. Peg is a public indicators Web portal for the Canadian city of Winnipeg. It is supported by an open-source semantic web framework called OSF. This initial beta version of the Web portal emphasizes the integration, management, exploration and display of a few hundred Well-being indicators’ data for the city.

This community indicators portal is currently the best example of a Citizen Dan instance (by Structured Dynamics). has been developed using the complete OSF (Open Semantic Framework) technologies stack. It is the reason why I (we) are really proud to start writing about this new innovative project. Mike also published an article that talk about other characteristics of the Peg project.

However, this project would not have been possible without the vision and the dedication of the IISD and the United Way of Winnipeg teams along with their partners. Also, it would not have been that well designed without Tactica‘s high quality graphics and design work.’s Technology Stack

The project fully integrates, and leverages, the OSF (Open Semantic Framework) technologies stack and is based on the Citizen Dan community indicators principles. In the coming weeks, I will write about all and every aspects of the portal, however let’s take a first general overview of what is in the box.

The OSF stack is represented by this beautiful semantic muffin:

OSF layers
OSF layers

Everything starts with MyPeg’s existing assets:

  1. Their Peg Framework which is the conceptual framework they created to analyze different facets of their community by leveraging a series of hundreds of indicators.
  2. The indicators data that they aggregated and collected from different federal, provincial, municipal and local sources
  3. The interviews they are performing with tens, and eventually hundreds, of Winnipeg citizens

Then all this data has been imported into the structWSF semantic data management framework by using two other pieces of technology:

  1. The indicators data is described using the commON irON profile, and is maintained by the IISD team using a set of Excel spreadsheets. Then the dataset have been imported using the structImport conStruct module.
  2. The interviews have been analyzed, tagged and imported in the system by using the Scones service and its structScones conStruct user interface.

Once all the data gets imported into the structWSF instance, it becomes available to all the conStruct modules, all the Semantic Components and all other tools that communicate with the structWSF web service endpoints.

Then ontologies have been used to describe the Peg Framework and to describe all the attributes of all the records (Neighborhoods, Cities, Community Areas and Stories). Already existing ontologies such as SCO have also been used for different criteria (such as driving the usage of the Semantic Component tools).

Then the sRelationBrowser, sDashboard, sMap, sStory, sBarChart and the sLinearChart Semantic Components along with the PortableControlApplication and Workbench applications have been used by Peg to create, manage, explore and publish information from their datasets.

Finally, the entire portal is published using Drupal and the set of conStruct modules. conStruct is the user interface to the structWSF web service endpoints. The mix of Drupal & conStruct templating technologies make it the perfect match to expose all the data, in different ways, by embedding different tools (such as the Semantic Components) depending on different criteria (user permissions, how the information is described into the system, etc.).

This is not a simple technology stack. However, this project is a good example of how an organization that never worked with semantic web technologies in the past have been able to has a long term vision of its objectives and how it understands that semantic technologies could help it to reach the aims of its vision. Then it demonstrates how everything has been integrated in an innovative Web portal.

Next Steps…

As I said above, in the coming weeks I will write about each of these technologies. I will show how each of them have been leveraged into the portal: how such generic tools have been used for highly specific tasks within the Peg project. Here is an overview of what is coming, where each main topic will result in a new blog post:

  • How to integrate MyPeg indicators data into any Web application by using the structWSF web service endpoint
  • Querying the MyPeg datasets, the geeky way, using the SPARQL endpoint
  • Six ways to get data out of the system
    • By using the CrudRead/Search/Browse web service endpoints
    • By querying the SPARQL endpoint
    • By dereferencing record URIs
    • By using the export features on any record view pages
    • By using the export features of the search/browse modules pages
    • By using the structExport conStruct module
  • How to use the explorer (sRelationBrowser) to browse conceptual structure and to display all kind of related information at each step
  • Use of Scones to analyze, tag, index and display unstructured data
  • Use of ontologies to drive the system
    • How ontologies are used to describe conceptual frameworks that drive these portals
    • How ontologies are used to drive the semantic components (SCO)
  • Use of the commON irON profile and conStruct to serialize indicators data and to import it into the system
    • The benefits of commON as a common ground between the semantic web practitioner and the client.
    • commON as a wonderful format to manage indicator related datasets by indicators practitioners.

So stay tuned, because plenty of innovative stuff is coming!

Semantic Components : the Genesis

Everything started with this prototype: structSearch. The goal was to figure out if Flex, and some of its open source libraries, were about to make a good data visualization framework for Structured Dynamics. As it turned out, it was making more than a good data visualization framework, as the Semantic Component Library is now one of the central libraries maintained by Structured Dynamics.

It was about one year ago.

But it is more than a demo, it is more than just a new data visualization framework. It is a set of technologies, it is a process by which you can do data integration, management, publication and visualization faster, better and for a fraction of the price. It is what we do at Structured Dynamics, and we hope continuing to share our findings to help communities to move faster, better and for the best.

What we do here is to demonstrate one of the facet of this new architecture.


The structSearch demo is interesting because it is a good example of what we call an Ontology Driven Application. Basically, the user interface of the application behave differently depending of the data that it gets as input.

In the example below, the structSearch tool gets all its data from a call to a structWSF instance where the Semantic Sweet Tools List dataset is hosted. You can try a search with the acronym “rdf“:

[kml_flashembed publishmethod=”static” fversion=”10.0.0″ movie=”” width=”500″ height=”700″ targetclass=”flashmovie” fvars=”baseAppUrl=”]Get Adobe Flash player


Note: if you have issues loading this Flash movie, it may be because the feed reader you are using, and what it does with some of the code within this blog post. I would suggest you to go to the website directly to experiment this tool.

How it works

The general workflow is somewhat simple; it is composed of only three parts:

1.����� A Resultset (which is composed of one or multiple records descriptions)

2.����� An application layout (a MXML file)

3.����� And a rendered user interface

These three steps are shown in this image (click to enlarge):

Semantic Component Layout
Semantic Component Layout

The complete process is discussed on the TechWiki. The structSearch demo leverages one of the semantic components: the sGenericBox. This box is a generic record infobox: it tries to display all the information related to a record�s description that is not handled by any other part of the application layout layer. So, most of the attributes/values are handled by the application, but for all the remaining, unhandled, attribute/values, they get listed in the generic box.

What is interesting with this three steps workflow that the users starts with one thing: a set of attributes/values describing a record. Then, they build a user interface that binds different attributes to controls that will be used to display their values. Finally, depending on a record’s description, and the application layout, the user interface generated will looks like/behave differently.


There is no magic in there, and the idea of adaptive user interfaces is certainly not new. However, what I think that people should keep in mind after reading this blog post is that the this specific workflow, along with these specific technologies helps the: integration, management, publication and visualization of different data sources. I hear you saying: yes and what? There are hundred of systems that tries to do this. Yes, that is true. But I would answer to that question with another question: yes, but at what price? By this I mean: can you develop as quickly and effectively as you could with these new methods, processes and technologies?

At least, this is what we figured out.


Christmas is not there yet!

Christmas is coming: it is November next week; all leaves have fallen; big snowfalls are coming… but Christmas is not there yet! We have plenty of things to do before being able to settle down, for a few days, for Christmas.It has been some time since we last released new code related to OSF (Open Semantic Framework). It has also been some time since we last released new demos too.

However, this year, gifts will be delivered before Christmas. We are planning to release a multiple of things in the next two months, and I will personally restart blogging more often about this stuff.

structWSF & construct

The last release versions of structWSF and conStruct have been released in June. Since then, we updated some code in the dev branches of the SVNs, but plenty of code yet has to be released for conStruct. Expect a new official release of both products in November.


As mentioned in this press release, we will release two brand new versions of UMBEL (v080 and then v1) before the end of December. These will be major releases of the UMBEL vocabulary and its related reference concepts structures. There will also be other new goodies that I cannot mention here as I write.

Semantic Component Library

The Semantic Component Library is the product that changed the most in the last few months. It got heavily updated because of its usage in different projects. Some new semantic components will be released, but more importantly, existing components get heavily updated as well with new features, bug fixes, etc.


Some of our clients should release demo websites before Christmas. Most of them heavily leverage the Semantic Components that got integrated in conStruct and that are interacting with structWSF instances to get the proper data to display.

These will give some good examples on how these different tools can be used, and how heavily they can be skinned to properly get integrated in different kind of Web portals.

I will naturally write about these, when the come available, on this blog.


We are updating the TechWiki documentation weekly. However, expect more new developer related documentation before Christmas. More precisely, we will write more documentation that explains the internal architecture and minding with structWSF and conStruct.

Citizen DAN demo: The first live OSF instance

Structured Dynamics just released the Citizen DAN demo. This is the sum of nearly two years of efforts in developing different pieces of technologies such as structWSF, conStruct, irON and Semantic Components. Citizen DAN is the first OSF (Open Semantic Framework) instance.

This demo shows how we managed to get a subset of the US Census data related to the Iowa Metropolitain area, how we created a small ontology to describe its instance records, and how they got managed, displayed, browsable and searchable by using the complete tools stack we created for other purposes. All pieces have been integrated together around this Citizen DAN demo that Mike gave at SemTech 2010. We are now releasing a publicly accessible instance of this demo.

I am really proud of what we accomplished so far with the very little resources we are working with since two years. Even if we got nothing from our Knight News Challenge application, we were convinced that Citizen DAN was an important project to build and release for local communities. This is an important open source project geared to help local governments and communities to create value out of the data they own and to publish it in meaningful ways on the Web. It is why we used our small resources to create Citizen DAN. We managed to bootstrap ourselves even more, and we managed to get some early clients interested in investing resources in this project.

It is not just about Citizen DAN

Citizen DAN is one kind of OSF instance. However, OSF can have multiple incarnations. The framework is geared so that any kind of data can be indexed, managed and published by this same framework. We can think of usecases in the financial, consumer and business sectors just to name a few.

Next steps

In the near future, we will release new and updated tools and services; we will add value to the framework. We will create new online services, in other sectors, that also leverage OSF.

What about documentation?

More and more documentation will be written on the TechWiki. We are committed to one thing going forward: documentation as we go; to make sure that our clients doesn’t require us to maintain their instances.

Is there a supporting community?

We will also work hard to develop the community around all pieces of OSF. We already have some active members in the community. Some of them will start committing new code and tools; and writing new documentation on the TechWiki. We are expecting to see a significant growth in the community for the next year.

Each thing that get committed by any members of the community will benefits all other members. So far, all our clients committed the result of their work to the project, because they know that this small investment would worth much more as the community grows by getting freebees from our other clients, and other members committing resources into the development of any OSF piece.

The places to start with the community is on the OpenStructs Community web site, and the OSF Mailing List.


This is just the beginning.

I would encourage your to read Mike’s blog post about this new release to have more background information on OSF.

Global structWSF Statistics Report

triple_120Today we released a simple structWSF nodes statistics report. It aggregates different statistics from all know (and accessible) structWSF nodes on the Web. It is still in its early stage, but aggregated statistics so far are quite interesting.

This global statistics reports has two aims:

  1. Monitoring the evolution of the usage of structWSF, and
  2. Monitoring the overall performance of structWSF web services in different setups for different usages

The report is accessible here in all time. The report is updated hourly.

Overall Statistics

The main statistics of the report are:

  • The number of structWSF nodes participating to the report
  • The total number of HTTP queries processed by the structWSF nodes
  • The total number of datasets created on the nodes
  • The total number of records indexed, and
  • The total number of triples indexed

These statistics gives a general overview of the size of the “global structWSF network of nodes”.

Web Service Statistics

Each Web service endpoint has its own statistics, which are:

  • The number of queries processed by the web service
  • The average time it took to process the query (without the network latency between the requested and the web service endpoint server)
  • All the requested mime-types, and the number of times a mime-type have been requested, and
  • All the HTTP response code returned by the endpoint

These Web service specific statistics are helpful to have a general understanding of each web service endpoint.

The average time per query is helpful to know what kind of performance a developer should expect when using this web service endpoint.

The list of requested MIME types gives an overall usage of the web service endpoint: are users mostly requesting XML data, JSON data, RDF+XML data, etc. Such usage statistics is helpful to prioritize future development tasks.

The list of all HTTP response code is helpful to notice possible issues with a web service endpoint. If error codes are returned often, this could pinpoint a possible bug in the web service endpoint, an issue with its usage that could lead to a fix in the documentation, etc.

Participating to the Global structWSF Statistics Report

If you are operating a structWSF instance and want to participate to the Global structWSF Statistics Report, you first have to download the new statisticsBroker.php script and install it on your structWSF node.

The statistics broker script is what calculates the statistics of a structWSF node, and what is used to aggregate statistics from all nodes, to generate the consolidated report.

The first thing to do is to edit the file, and to change the value of the $enableStatisticsBroadcast variable from FALSE to TRUE at the line 46. This will enable the script.

Normally you should install the script in the root folder of your structWSF node, but you can install it anywhere on your server, where it will be accessible on the Web.

The final step is to register your node to the reporting system. It is just a matter of registering the URL address where the statisticsBroker.php script is accessible. It should be added to the global report within 24 hours, once I validated it.

Other Usage of the Statistics Broker

This is nice to participate to such global statistics report, but much more can be done with such a statistics broker.

A structWSF developer or a structWSF node maintainer could use it to have statistics of the local node. As described above, such statistics can be used to pinpoint possible performance issues, bottlenecks and possible bugs in web service endpoints. It could also be use to plan future extension of the network to scale some highly used web service endpoint in the network.

Additionally, the statistics broker could be used in a broader server maintenance architecture. It could be used in conjunction with another script to be part of a Ganglia monitoring system for example. Performances could be monitored by Ganglia, rate of requests per hours, raise in the number different HTTP response returned by some web services. Additionally, each of these statistics could be bound to different alerts notification messages that would alert the structWSF system maintainers and developers of possible issues with the network.

Next Step

The next step with the statistics broker will be to create a structWSF web service out of it. That way, structWSF node maintainers will be easily able to define access and usage permissions for such statistics.